View Full Version : I need a video camera now!

04-21-2004, 11:25 PM
I was washing a white Expidition this morning at the office with the water deionizer. Last week, I had to remove some weird adhesive spots off the tail gate and rear window. Stoners, #82, Vanilla Moose and waxed it with #16 again since that is what I used on it when I first waxed it in early February. Anyway, when I was spraying down the rear door, it was beading up like mad and the beads were then running down the paint at super high speed, maybe eleventy billion miles an hour or so. Well, really fast and totally :cool: effect. I wish I had a video of it to post it was so cool. :p

BTW, the rest of the truck was still beading very nicely, but the beads weren`t racing down the sides as quickly. ;)

04-21-2004, 11:32 PM
man I wish I had a video camera I could have sent to you...I would love to see water moving off a car at eleventy billion mph!!! Thats pretty dang fast! :D

04-21-2004, 11:55 PM
I think you`d need a high speed camera to capture that properly ;)

04-21-2004, 11:57 PM
I was blasting water on the tailgate and giggling like a little girl watching the water beads race down. :lol

04-22-2004, 03:21 AM
hehe u know when you`re an autopian......when u laugh at water beads racin down hehehe.

hey scott, have u ever considered buyin one of those sony digital cameras that also take video and sound? would be perfect for wot u want

04-22-2004, 08:39 AM
Yeah, I have thought about a digital still/video camera but I have other things I need more at the moment. One of these days though....;)

04-22-2004, 09:09 AM
maybe eleventy billion miles an hour or so

just watch out for the cops....."Sir, Do you know how fast your beads were going ?"

04-22-2004, 09:32 AM
Sony P-10. Bought one for the wife and I for Christmas. It does EXCELLENT video and sound - not to mention the 5 megapixels pics it takes are decent too :cool:

I waxed my wife`s Pathfinder with NXT 2 weeks ago and washed it last night very briefly just to see if it was still beading. It was, and I even called her out of the house to come see this amazing, once in a life time, never seen before event!!!!! :D

04-22-2004, 09:33 AM

I have a white expedition also. I have Zaino topped with S100 and I get the same effect.

I also Klasse`d the windows so they bead and water drops quickly also.

What`s funny is that I was doing the same thing. Running water on it just to see if bead and fall off. I called my wife outside to see.

She wasn`t as impressed as I was.

04-22-2004, 10:00 AM
My digital camera does movies, but not acceptable ones. I`m about to pick up a Sony TRV250. It`s got USB output and it uses 8mm tapes for it`s digital storage, so cheap media. I have a kiddo on the way.

I have, with the Nikon, done a little 30 second video of me walking slowly around my car and it catching all the nice reflections. But at 10 megs, it`s not worth posting. :D

04-22-2004, 11:12 AM
I know what you mean Scott, I was experminenting with different looks on the Mustang. I went over the car with the PC using #82 SF and then applied #26 do warm up the paint a bit and then topped that with #16. We are getting pollen really badly here so I am washing the car just about every other day. The water looks like little marbles running down the hood and trunk. Wish I had some pictures but after 5 minutes outside my paint looks yellow from the pollen.