View Full Version : My Pads Are Tearing

04-19-2004, 08:42 AM
I did some details over the past weekend and am having problems with the pads. I ordered the pads from this site (white, yellow, grey) and use the backing plate supplied with the PC. It seems the pads all start to tear right around the velcro pad on them. I don`t think I would`ve noticed but when I was using IP, not only was I getting dust, I was also getting small pieces of pad on the vehicle. So, far the only one that has not broken down is the yellow cutting pad. I clean all pads by hand in dawn and a small toothbrush and air or spin-dry on the PC. I use the pads to spread the product around and was wondering if this maybe contributed to the breakdown as the pads maybe "dig" into the backing plate when I spread it with the PC off. Maybe it is the backing plate and I should upgrade to when of the flexible ones? Any help would be appreciated. The pads look and perform great, I am thinking it is probably me messing up. Sorry no pics. :(

Bobby G
04-19-2004, 08:56 AM
Hi Bulldog,

I`ve had one other incident of this happening. It has to do with the amount of pressure you apply and running the pad on the edge instead of flat. Flat pressure will not cause the backing plate to cut into the pad, but heavy pressure on the edge will. My guess it that your pads are looking like the attached pic.


04-19-2004, 09:33 AM
Yes, they look exactly like that! So I guess it was my fault, I jsut have to take my time and ensure I put even pressure on the pad. Thanks for the quick-reply.

04-19-2004, 10:05 AM
I have a new PC, and my two white pads (also Lake Country, purchased from the Autopia store) have also started to split around the velcro backing after only two uses. I didn`t think I was applying too much pressure "off flat," but the explanation seems sensible. I think one may have been damaged while washing them in the sink rather than on the car, at least that`s when I noticed the split.

FYI, I`ve had some success prolonging their life given that the split is shallow (maybe 1/8 inch deep). I applied some flexible 3M spray adhesive into the crack with a toothpick, and it seems to have reinforced the tear enough to slow further degradation.

04-21-2004, 01:09 AM
I know many people polish this way, but I think that really leaning on the PC when polishing (not recommended by PC btw...) seems to be harder on the pads and plates.

04-21-2004, 10:48 AM
When putting pressure on the pad using DACP I too got the edge chewed by the 5" PC "flexable" pad from LC. I now use the "5 Porter Cable Contour pad (with the holes) and like it MUCH BETTER. I do not have problems with CMA`s pads. They have enough extra "loop" backing that one has an 1/8" edge to absorb some of the abrasion from the "hooks" on the edges of the pads when using slight pressures.

I`ve cut a custom "felt ring" that is trapped by the edge of the pad and extends out about 1/2". I`ll be trying it out this weekend and see if it helps. I about chewed an orange pad up (like the picture above). Should be enough hook/loop contact throught the "felt`s hole" to not effect the pad staying on. And the ring doesn`t have to be glued on or washed later. Think of it as a felt washer. I`ll post back with pictures if it works well through the whole detail.