View Full Version : in search of another wax other than gold class

04-19-2004, 08:28 AM
hey guys, ive been using gold class clear coat wax but havent been very blown away with the results so far so due to my recent very good experiences with mothers instant detailer ive decided to get a carnouba wax from the mothers range, what is the better wax out of the original and the natural? ive looked at reviews but cant seem to make up my mind as they are much the same:nixweiss . The gold class was good but lasted way too short of a time, maybe u guys could recommend another product from meguiars maybe. thanks guys

04-19-2004, 08:35 AM
Original would be closer to what you`ve been using. Natural is with no cleaners, just carnauba protection.

Longevity is not the longsuit of carnauba. If you have a light colored car, I`d go for a synthetic wax or sealant.

Being that you`re in Australia, I`m not sure what products are available, but I think you guys got NXT off the shelf there.

04-21-2004, 12:46 AM
If you`re less than impressed with the results you`ve been getting, you might want to examine the condition that your paint is in, and also see if there`s more that you can do to improve the surface prep prior to waxing (any claying, polishing?). People are quick to want to change waxes to try and improve things, but unless longevity is the only issue you`re having, you may want to look at factors other than just the wax first.