View Full Version : Carnauba wax is all I need?

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04-18-2004, 12:11 PM
Man, I keep trying the various different sealants, and they are all great. But for some reason I always feel compelled to try some newer ones. And no matter what sealant I use, I am always, always eventually compelled to top it with carnauba. I just can`t stop myself. It isn`t even that the sealant doesn`t look good. I just love using carnaubas and they alwasy look so perfect.

I am thinking maybe I should just give up and start using carnaubas all the time. I dunno, I mean with #16 and Souveran what else could I really need? Does anyone else ever feel this way? Like they need to simplify, sort of go back to the roots? If a carnauba can look awesome and last through 3+ months of miserable winter, why do I really need anything else? And they can be used interchangeably, can go over any prep product, and are always so easy to use (especially pastes, I love using paste waxes).

It`s probably just a phase... I was ordering a bunch of sheepskin mitts from Autopia today (I love those Viking mitts) and wanted to get the free shipping deal so I tossed in a Clay Magic (I can`t get them locally anymore since Wal-Mart dropped them) and then still needed something else. I figured I`d give the Einzett Glanz Wax a try. Hey, it`s a synthetic and a wax, so what the heck, right?

Sorry for the ramble... :nixweiss ;)

04-18-2004, 12:21 PM
Funny--I also have some Glanz on the way from David and it should be here on Wednesday.

The raves about #7 topped with #16 finally got to me and I went after it. Sure enough--it looks GREAT on the weather-beaten 17 year old maroon. Unless I`m using UPP (I love the slickness), I top just about everything eventually with #16 or S100.

04-18-2004, 01:16 PM
On my own car, I very rarely use sealants since I can usually find time every 6-8 weeks to at least throw a quick coat of wax on it. #16, Carnauba Moose, S100, Souveran....whatever I have the most of at the time is what goes on my car. I just like the look.

04-18-2004, 06:16 PM
I used to be just like you......Souveran is all I use during the summer....try it by itself.... Crystal mist after washes and you are pretty close to perfection ....You`le see:xyxthumbs

04-18-2004, 07:24 PM
Yeah I`m not really into sealants either, I prefer the look of carnuaba.

I have some #16 on the way :bounce

04-18-2004, 08:28 PM
Recently on my own truck I`ve used NXT and now I have WG waiting for me, but haven`t had a chance to use it yet, because I`m busy detailing everyone else`s vehicle.

But, when I get a chance I`m going to prep my truck then use the WG twins. If WG doesn`t knock my socks off, I`m going back "old school". It`s going to be #7 (or possibly VM) and S100 for me.

04-18-2004, 10:09 PM
Wolfgang has a very nice look all by itself. About as close to carnauba as any sealant I have used. Topping it with S100, #16 or Souveran might just be the ticket. I just don`t have time to do a 3-step on my own car.

04-18-2004, 10:29 PM
I`ve heard the same thing said about FMJ (i.e. close to a carnuba look), which caused me to not top my car with Souveran. Any experience with FMJ?

04-18-2004, 10:44 PM
Anthony Orosco has some FMJ pics in click and brag.

04-18-2004, 10:50 PM
I don`t use anything but Zaino. Differences of opinion make good horse races.

Preachers Sheets
04-19-2004, 07:58 AM
Aurora40 -

I was the same way as you, as of this past weekend I`m done with the sealents. I used to use Meguiars wax/glaze products, then tried Blitz. Got caught up in the sealent craze, used Klasse, UPP and Zaino and just couldn`t find what I was looking for. I tried P21S two nights ago on a freshly polished and clayed car and I have no intrest to ever break out the sealents again. The shine and easy of use of P21S is awesome. Honestly, it comes off easier than Klasse AIO and we all know how easy that it. Only product I still use from the sealent lineup is Klasse AIO. I ALWAYS use it after a polish before a wax, I like how it deepens the shine.

Screw the sealents. They are good but I want the best.

04-19-2004, 08:26 AM
I know what you are saying. I jumped on the Zaino band wagon because a bunch of my old camaro buddies swore by it.. Zaino, Zaino, Zaino was all I heard so I thought it must be good. I bought it and did everything one could. Coat after coat of Z5 then z2 and so on and so on never yielded the results or feel I like. I still use it occasional, but since then I tried WG and a few others. WG has yielded me the shine and feel I like for a synthetic. I love what it does on my gold explorer.

04-19-2004, 09:02 AM
Of course this may change, but I`m thinking maybe I`ll just toss a coat of Blackfire on when I do any polishing, and then its carnauba from then on out.

I was liking the ease of Wolfgang, but when I washed it this weekend, I noticed it is very suceptible to water spotting and such, just as I had noticed with Zaino. Blackfire never gave me this problem, and carnaubas certainly never have.

1Z should be neat if it is compatible fully with carnaubas (i.e. it can be used on top of/interchangeably with them). I assume it is since most of the 1Z prep products contain carnauba.

04-19-2004, 09:08 AM

I understand that "feeling" exactly.

There`s some kind of satisfaction that I get from the "carnuba experience", and the synthetics just leave me "flat".

The only one I now use is Glanz, which is great in and of itself, but recently I top even that with S100 or some of the high quality carnubas sold here in Japan.


04-19-2004, 09:17 AM
Same here. I think you`re right...it`s part of a phase of sorts. At the beginning of last summer, I was all about Blackfire on my car, and I still love it but the last few times I have worked on my car, it has been No. 81 and Souveran. When I`m pressed for time, I can glaze and wax the car in the time I would wait for BF to dry...and that`s not counting a polish pre-step for the BF.

I have always topped my sealants with a carnauba, and lately I have just been skipping the sealant step all together as a time saver. The main reason I used them in the first place was the added protection, and the Michigan summers just aren`t as bad as the winters...so I am comfortable with carnauba only for now.