View Full Version : Please critique my routine for tommorrow.....

04-16-2004, 10:43 PM
Alright, after a fairly successful once over with a PC on my wife`s car last weekend (Link to thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35934) ) I believe I am going to do my car tommorrow. It is a 99 Honda with Electron Blue paint in pretty good shape. Almost always kept clean with S100 every now and then.


In addition to the 303 Aerospace I purchased yesterday I have this to work with:




My plan is as follows:

1) Wash as normal and then was with Dawn. (unless I am told that I can go straight to dawn figured this was the safest way)

2) Clay a few spots that have something on the paint. (I know claying the whole car is ideal but I really hate claying.)

3) Megs SFP #82 with PC and Meg`s yellow pad.

4) Vanilla Moose with PC and Meg`s tan pad.

5) Wax with NXT (fell in love with NXT after using on my wife`s black car)

6) Can I top it right away with S100 or should I wait a few days? I`m still kind of confused with the whole topping synthetic with carnuba.

I am also going to try out the 303 on my tires and do a little interior cleaning if time allows.

04-16-2004, 10:50 PM
I would do a wash with 1/2 dawn 1/2 car wash in the same bucket, it works for me (however, a dawn wash will not be necessary in this application)

I would take time to wash those new pads before using them the first time.

I would do two coats of NXT the first day right after each other (Some say you should wait between NXT coats, but it has never caused a problem for me) , then put your topper on the next morning, or next week after you wash it.

04-16-2004, 10:53 PM
Dont bother with the dawn wash, just wash it normal and leave the dawn for the dishes.

I prefer to use VM by hand, but you can use the PC if you like that one is a personal preference thing.

I am not sure how well NXT does with bonding to VM, never tried it, maybe someone else can chime in here

Wait 24 hours after putting on the NXT before you add the S100, it needs some time to dry.

303 is a really great interior dressing, but it is Crazy expensive to be using on the tires. Maybe try my new cheap favorite UV2 check: www.hollander1.com for it, it is on sale real dirt cheap

Hope this helps :)


04-16-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by tpgsr

303 is a really great interior dressing, but it is Crazy expensive to be using on the tires. Maybe try my new cheap favorite UV2 check: www.hollander1.com for it, it is on sale real dirt cheap

Hope this helps :)


Thanks all.

I didn`t think 303 was that expensive. I got the 16oz spray bottle for $12. But I will definatly check out the link you provided. I am curious about the NXT bonding to VM issue. That is something I didn`t even think of, thats why I ask here.

04-17-2004, 12:15 PM
Well, getting ready to do this in a few and still unsure about the NXT over VM issue. Can anyone chime in on this? Thanks.

04-17-2004, 12:33 PM
It will work fine, NXT has some cleaners to help it bond to what is underneath.

however, it seems a little redundant/excessive with a 3 product layering, to me it just seems like a waste of product.

personally, I would do VM + S100 OR NXTx2 + S100

04-17-2004, 01:34 PM
Remember; paint prep is probably responsible for 95% of how well your paint finish comes out. Final Protection is only 5%.

1. Wash with a good car soap. I don`t see it in the pic so I`d recommend either NXT or Gold Class (E1 wet is good too).

2. Clay the entire vehicle.

3. Polish with a PC/Yellow 8006/#82 (I personally prime the pad with a bit of distilled water or quick detailer).

4. Polish with Vanilla Moose and a clean 8006 pad. Tan pad is okay but I`d only use it for wax.

5. NXT wax with PC/Tan 9006 pad.

6. Wait one day then top with S100 (if you think it`s required).

Note: Topping with S100 will give you a different look than what NXT provides. Why are deciding to go with NXT then?

I`d probably go with Zaino/Klasse/Wolfgang (? maybe) as a base coat then top with S100 if S100 is the look you are after.

Remember, the application of either No. 26, No. 16, S100, NXT etc. in my opinion is more of the look your are trying to achieve then actually protection as they are relatively equal i.e 4 weeks with NXT being the question mark are it`s relatively new for daily drivers.

Zaino/Klasse having protection extended out more than 3-months and many people have found 6 - 9 months or more.

On my moms green 97 Z24 Cavalier (which has a flawless finish), the 2 Z5 topped with 1 Z2 layer has lasted 7 months (through a full Canadian winter). Granted it`s garaged and she`s only put 7KM in 8 months.

Remember: PREP IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Don`t skimp or it will really show in the end.


04-17-2004, 02:22 PM
Paco: thanks for your reply.

I have Gold Class wash in the picture but I have been using another brand which is almost out and then I will crack open the Gold Class.

I may not even do the s100 since many people have said it is a waste to do over the NXT and VM. I`m not really shooting for a particular look. Just want it looking top notch. This car is a daily driver, I put on 30k miles last year with it and found S100 to last several months for me. Of course I only wash it at the do it yourself car wash where the water is nice and filtered and then I water blade it.

I`ve read many great things about Zaino but since I don`t have any of it but do have NXT and S100 that is what I am going to be using.

04-17-2004, 02:43 PM
Ooops, missed the GC.

How often do you plan on waxing your car. If you plan on doing it every 4 weeks.

Try out half the hood with VM/NXT and VM/S100 on the other half and see what holds up better and which look you prefer.


04-18-2004, 01:59 AM
Thanks again for your reply Paco. Actually finished up before I got to your post or I would have probably tried that. You can see the end results of my days work here: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36272