View Full Version : When to use EX vs. EX-P???

04-12-2004, 02:19 PM
I have both Poorboys EX and EX-P in my arsenal and I was just curious to know when a situation would arise that one would be better than the other? I am a little confused (I know EX has carnauba) as to which product to use and why there is a whole lot of difference. I mean we usually put a carnauba topper on EX-P (and sometimes EX for that matter!), so why not just use EX all the time?

Can someone give examples of situations where one product might be better than the other?


04-12-2004, 02:36 PM
I would just use whatever one you are feeling at the moment. Being autopian I am sure you will have plenty of chances to switch between the two until you find your favorite...or heck, maybe just keep switching for fun :cool:

Chris Y.
04-12-2004, 02:41 PM
For darker colors, I like EX for the extra depth that the added caranuba that EX has in it. Light colors, EX-P for the awesome clarity and wet-look.

But I`ve used both on light and dark colors with great results. :)

Don`t be afraid to experiement :)


04-12-2004, 03:38 PM
All I know is the EX products seem to last forever! It will take me a year just to put a dent in the bottle lol. I think you are right Chris Y. I noticed the EX-P looked a little clearer than EX on my yellow Mustang.

04-12-2004, 09:43 PM
I agree with COBRyan-EX has a clearer look than EX-P. Sort of like the difference between Meguiars #16 and #26.

Use whichever one you think looks best on the particular color you are using it on.

04-13-2004, 09:56 PM
Oh, I forgot to add something....since EX-P has a more clear look, it isn`t very good at filling micro swirls and scratches so I`d go with EX w/Carnauba if you don`t want (or have time) to get the paint as flawless as possible.