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04-12-2004, 01:40 PM
Welp, I got my Tropi-Care kit today in the mail, thanks to JayC for making the post that seems to have disappeared.

I got a 4oz bottle of the Polish, it`s pink and smells sort of like Cherries.

I also got a small bottle of the Carwash, it may only be good for one wash, it`s not a lot, almost smells like sour apple (and the color would suggest so).

I also got some intructions and literature on the product, as well as a MF Applicator.

I can`t wait to give this a go, thanks again JayC, and Steve from Tropi-Care for making this happen.


04-12-2004, 03:10 PM
One of our mods on zchickz.com who is/was a die-hard Zaino user just tried out the Tropi-Care products and says it will be giving Zaino a run for it`s money. Now I am really getting interested--I currently use blackfire but after reading all the posts here, and seeing the results you all are getting with a myriad of products has piqued my interest. My "arsenal" of products has been growing steadily since my membership here......I tell my husband that the elves must be dropping off packages...I don`t remember placing an order for THAT! LOL Maybe I should check out the Tropi-Care too!

04-12-2004, 03:22 PM
The one thing that worries me is the instructions tell you how to remove white stains from trim (like waxes will do).. where as Zaino and some of the other polymers don`t.

It should be interesting though, I read in another thread Steve from TropiCare used to be one of the largest Zaino Distribs in the USA.

04-12-2004, 03:35 PM
I have gotten the white stains from the blackfire, usually clean up with the QD.

Just ordered my trial kit of tropi-care, worth a shot, and for $10 and if I don`t like it, trash it! If I do like it, order more.

I found the thread you were referring to, I used a search for "tropic-care" I think --- Is this the one?http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34535

04-12-2004, 03:46 PM
No, there was actually a post where they were doing kits for free. It got deleted, or something. I guess it got changed to 10 bucks, heck I dunno.

04-12-2004, 03:54 PM
Being a Zaino user and having tried Tropi-Care. Tropi-Care falls within the top twenty waxes but will never be able to compete with Zaino. I`m not being Zealot, I`m being realistic. I`ve tested many waxes and TC beats alot of them but not Zaino.

I`m still undecided if TC is actually Cherry Wet Wax. This is why I stopped using TC Products, too much od a similarity. I don`t want to pay the price for TC if I can get it cheaper by buying CCW.

04-12-2004, 03:58 PM
Got my free kit too. Will be trying it out as soon as it stops raining here!!:(

04-12-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by dternst

Being a Zaino user and having tried Tropi-Care. Tropi-Care falls within the top twenty waxes but will never be able to compete with Zaino. I`m not being Zealot, I`m being realistic. I`ve tested many waxes and TC beats alot of them but not Zaino.

I`m still undecided if TC is actually Cherry Wet Wax. This is why I stopped using TC Products, too much od a similarity. I don`t want to pay the price for TC if I can get it cheaper by buying CCW.

Being (from word of mouth) that he used to distribute Zaino, why would he relabel CWW? Shrugs, maybe it is CWW, I`ve never used it.. but from the reviews I`ve read on CWW before, I`d hope not for Steve`s sake.. nobody owns a business to go under, they`re all out to make money and (hopefully) noteworthy product.

04-12-2004, 04:44 PM
Listen to your reasoning.

04-12-2004, 04:47 PM
Since the product is manufactured in Texas and none of Steve`s products are available to anyone else, even direct from the manufacturer, I seriously doubt it. Steve and I also talked a while back about the smell of the wax as well as the color. Apparently early on they thought about making it orange (To keep with the Tropi-Care theme) however whatever they used to introduce an orange fragrance ended up streaking when removed so they went to the pink/cherry combination.

FWIW, the newer polish, which may be included with the kit, Im not sure, is actually more of a hot pink color than the softer pink the earlier stuff was colored with.

Knowing Steve, though and knowing the demands he is placing on his products to perform up to his standards, I don`t see him repackaging someone else`s products. Steve did well for himself selling Zaino.. doesnt make much sense to leave to sell an inferior product.

04-12-2004, 04:58 PM
I only wish the best for Steve. Steve is an all around great guy. These are concerns and issues I have with the product. Steve is well aware of these concerns and appreciates my honesty.

04-12-2004, 05:10 PM
Got my kit today as well....that was quick. I have some questions about application though. I currently have AIO and 3 layers of SG on my car. Should I remove them from a panel, or just add over the SG? The instructions indicate that the polish has "detergent polymers", will they remove the SG or not? I vaguely remember reading a thread saying that it would not remove previous layers. So whats with the "detergent" part?

I can`t wait to try it out, but it will probably have to wait a few days.


04-12-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by dternst

... but will never be able to compete with Zaino. I`m not being Zealot, I`m being realistic. I`ve tested many waxes and TC beats alot of them but not Zaino.

where was it lacking? slickness? durability? look?

04-12-2004, 06:11 PM
My advise would be to make sure whatever product on your car now is completely removed or else you`ll only be topping what you currently have with TC. Evaluate TC only. Use polishes that do not contain any wax or silicone (3M and Presta). This way you`re only evaluating TC. Give it a try and you figure out were it comes up short. If I said something right now, it would possible bias your evaluation. I`m not trying to be wishy-washy, just trying to be fair. I hope you understand.

04-12-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by dternst

My advise would be to make sure whatever product on your car now is completely removed or else you`ll only be topping what you currently have with TC. Evaluate TC only. Use polishes that do not contain any wax or silicone (3M and Presta). This way you`re only evaluating TC. Give it a try and you figure out were it comes up short. If I said something right now, it would possible bias your evaluation. I`m not trying to be wishy-washy, just trying to be fair. I hope you understand.

Because accusing the product of being some other inferior product repackaged isnt going to taint anyone?