View Full Version : Today is My B-Day and I am Lucky

04-10-2004, 04:17 PM
Today is my birthday and boy I am a lucky man. My wife ordered me the following:

From auto geek she got me the micro fiber starter kit, 303 and the circular tire cover so when you spray stuff on it stays off your rim. Now that would be nice, but she then ordered form autopia the 1 z pearls shampoo for me to try and 1Z, the green can. I have been working marks on my hood as a test on my red car. Now if that is not enough she then goes and gets me custom floor mats for my car with some embroidery that has not yet come.

So yesterday I 303’ed stuff and love it… Works nice on tires and is not greasy which is a huge plus in my book. The 1 z in the green can is not aggressive, but does better than z5 from zaino.

04-10-2004, 04:28 PM
Happy Birthday Mr. Clean!

That was a very nice present from the wife. You are indeed lucky. :)

04-10-2004, 05:14 PM
Happy B-day! Awesome gifts!!!!!!!:bow

04-10-2004, 05:24 PM
Women do listen better than men. She hears me talk about things take mental notes and remembers. Me unless I wrtie it down I am worthless..

04-11-2004, 06:35 PM
Happy belated birthday! You and my dad have the same birthday.

04-13-2004, 09:59 AM
happy belated birthday. your wife is nice to buy you all those things. hope my wife is that nice after she graduates law school, hehe.

Scott P
04-13-2004, 11:53 AM
I don`t get any car care products from my wife. If anything, she takes them from me. I`ve lost Quik Shine, MF towels and even Spray and Wipe. She likes QS and a MF for her glasses and S&W for cleaning her desk at work. She almost took one of my MF towels to use with a Swiffer, but I stopped her in time and bought her a five pack from WAlly Wrold. They work very well for that purpose.

04-13-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Mr. Clean 2K

Today is my birthday and boy I am a lucky man. My wife ordered me the following:

From auto geek she got me the micro fiber starter kit, 303 and the circular tire cover so when you spray stuff on it stays off your rim. Now that would be nice, but she then ordered form autopia the 1 z pearls shampoo for me to try and 1Z, the green can. I have been working marks on my hood as a test on my red car. Now if that is not enough she then goes and gets me custom floor mats for my car with some embroidery that has not yet come.

Happy B-Day!I must say that you really are a lucky man to have a wife who actually listens and goes out of her way to order you car care products to try out.Whatever it is that youre doing that makes her happy,keep doing it:xyxthumbs


04-13-2004, 01:38 PM
Happy belated birthday! How did you teach your wife to listen. LOL. Mine usually ignores me.