View Full Version : Business Card Help

04-09-2004, 04:27 PM
Hey guys, i`ve been working on a business card for myself over the past few days, and I need some feedback, as well as help. I am not going to be a pro-detailer, I just like to seem more professional when I do cars on the side for some cash. (poor college kid, you guys remember right?;)

First of all, I dont know how to make it the correct business card size without stretching it out. I am using photoshop, so if anybody could help me out, that would be awesome. Here are the dimensions I need:

3.54" x 2.05", 1063x614 pixels. These are from the vistaprint.com site, I will be going through them for the print.

Secondly, I just want some overall feedback as to my color scheme etc. All forms of criticism accepted:D . I think I might have to change my font color, but I want to see what you guys think. Lastly, if ive used any other persons business card format or ideas (I dont think I did, but it is definitly possible), I apologize, and please let me know so I can fix it immediatly. Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate your feedback.

EDIT: This is the first time I have ever attempted anything like this, and the first time ive really worked with photoshop, so be nice;)

04-09-2004, 04:40 PM
I don`t know how much you are planning to spend, but for 1000 cards with a choice of: car backgrounds, full color front, grey scale back, dozens of fonts - sizes - styles and thick glossy stock, you can design a killer card for $85 and free shipping.


I used these guys and the owner Chris is a huge car buff.

You can design it online or upload your own design.

Personally, I feel your card is a little dark and the car image could be better. It looks like a photograph instead of a piece of artwork. I`m not a fan of the font either. Check out that site and see what I mean about the pics looking like artwork.

04-09-2004, 05:11 PM
Spilchy, thank you very much for the advise, I will definitly look into that. I actually made a few prototypes, and I`ve just been asking the people in my hall what they think....ironic that the one I spent the least ammount of time on people like, I dont get it:nixweiss . I dont like the font colors in this one, but room for improvement??? Maybe I could chop it and put it on a sunset shot I took? I dunno, what do you guys think, thanks, I really DO appreciate all the help.

04-09-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by BlueRanger

Spilchy, thank you very much for the advise, I will definitly look into that. I actually made a few prototypes, and I`ve just been asking the people in my hall what they think....ironic that the one I spent the least ammount of time on people like, I dont get it:nixweiss . I dont like the font colors in this one, but room for improvement??? Maybe I could chop it and put it on a sunset shot I took? I dunno, what do you guys think, thanks, I really DO appreciate all the help.

I think if your business name was navy blue it would look pretty good.

04-09-2004, 05:54 PM
No problem man! MY pleasure. My cards from them ROCK! I`m getting my tr-fold brochure done by them too.

When you mentioned showing then to the guys in your hall, I assume you`re in school? Man, those were the days :cool: ;). When it comes time to graduate, you`re all psyched to leave and then you get a job and realize you have to work for the next....uh....oh....50 years and then you want to go back to school!!! :lol :lol

Anyway, I think you should stick with black for the company name. Just seat it above the roof. Also, put a white highlight around it so it stands out a little more and adds a nice accent. Remember, too many colors, especially primary colors looks tacky and like a cheesey informercial! You already have red in the car and yellow in the writing. Stick with black with a white highlight.

Hey, any of your buddies or girls you`re friends with multimedia or computer design majors? Maybe they can hook you up. This way you`re not relying on your choppy Photoshop and design skills for your marketing!

Good luck bud. Show us the final card!

04-09-2004, 06:09 PM
Yea, I`m showing them to the people at my school, Im at CAL POLY San Luis...Freshman, Business major, and aint life in the dorms just DANDY! :rolleyes: Thats a great idea, my ex-gf is a graphics design major, ill have to give her a call....(hopefully shes still not bitter, keep your fingers crossed)

04-09-2004, 06:26 PM
Ah, freshman year...Indiana University...going back in time....ah, the dorms, parties, academic probation...ah...memories!

After that probation I buckled down. My old man got a hold of me ;)

04-09-2004, 07:42 PM
I had mine printed at www.overnightprints.com

I was very very impressed with the quality, and paper thickness and coating. VERY professional, people love these cards. I have had alot of positive feedback from customers and random people i hand them to. Mine look like:





The front is coated with a real thick nice glossy coating, and the back is matte, and looks crisp, like it was spot printed not 4color printed. :up :up To the company that printed these!


04-09-2004, 10:14 PM
That is a really nice card, DANG. Did you design that yourself, or have somebody do it? If you did, what program did you use? The back doesnt show up for me, but the front...muy, muy bueno:up

EDIT: i can see the back now...weird

04-09-2004, 10:37 PM
I did it myself using photoshop. I do most all of my own design work. I have had a few things done for me, but i like to make each piece MY OWN

The pics are lower quality so they load fast, but the text is very crisp once printed. Even the text that looks like a blurr on the front of the card came out crisp and strong!

04-09-2004, 11:26 PM
My next batch of cards will be similar to y`alls. Just hard to pick which vehicle I want to use.

04-09-2004, 11:33 PM
Scott: if you want design help, just let me know. I like working on stuff like this when i am bored at night :)

Superior Shine
04-17-2004, 11:37 PM
Here is what I did. I got the idea from one of these forums.

The cards are personalized with the client’s vehicle. These are given to them a few days after the detail with a request for references. I do have regular plain cards I give out to walk ups and so on.

These are easily made on my $130 HP printer


04-17-2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by tpgsr

Scott: if you want design help, just let me know. I like working on stuff like this when i am bored at night :)

:cool: I have something like eleventy billion pics to go through to find the best ones.
