View Full Version : Lotus flower

04-09-2004, 08:38 AM

Damnit the above link is the closest thing I could find (not close at all)

A while back my friend showed me a link to some European company that for like 15 grand, will specailly coat your paint (via process similar to electroplating I think) with this specal lotus flower derived protectant. Supposedly is incapable of getting dirty and lasts forever.

Anyone know anything about it? just curious.

04-09-2004, 08:48 AM
Sounds like a d@mn good principle to apply to cars.

04-09-2004, 09:30 AM
I think for less than $40 a voodoo witchdoctor can bless your wash mitt.

Edited to add: After doing some reading (try "basf lotus" in Google), yeah, it`s a neat wax. Key is that it`s rough, causing the self cleaning that we see with S100 at times. Seems there is a key roughness that allows for higher friction so that the water will pick up the dirt from the object. Lots of glam pictures. Obviously no-one has ever seen a bead of water on a waxy surface.
