View Full Version : Picking up a red 93 MR2 tonight-Single Stage Paint

04-09-2004, 07:55 AM
So I`m picking up my 4th MR2 tonight (should have kept all 3-but that`s another story!)

This car is a 93 N/A (had a 89 SC, a 91 T and a 91 N/A.) It`s a red toyota single stage paint. It`s not in bad shape considering the condition of the red single stage 91 NA that I had was (way faded!-before my autopia days)

So I was thinking of asking Scott (Bwana) to help me out with his PC to attack this thing and get it as perfect and we can, then taking it directly to a boday shop to have some clear coat sprayed on it.

What`s everyone think about that?

I will be doing a general cleaning and motor degreasing this weekend, so I`ll post pics after that`s done.

I`m glad to be rid of ny rusty Integra (that feels really sloppy compaired to the MR2 :D -MR2 has KYB AGX 4 way adjustable suspension and that`s it vrs a stock GSR-wow!)


Muchas Gracias!


ps-after the regret of not keeping the previous 3 MR2s, I plan on having this one for a long time and right now we`re still apartment dwellers, so outside 24/7 for this car :(

04-09-2004, 09:08 AM
I`m more a fan of the 80s MR2`s, but I can`t wait to see your new ride. Sounds like the previous owner cared for it, if the shocks are any indication. I`m a 90s Miata person curently, but what your MR lacks in convertibleness, you make up for in security. My PO had the top slashed and patched it. Looks like a home job too. By monkeys. (Nah, it`s not that bad, but it`s far from perfect.)

Make sure to take before pics. Or is it not that far gone?

04-09-2004, 09:54 AM
It`s not that far gone. Paint`s really in very good shape. Swirled a bit. . .a few rough spots. . .but nothing too bad.

I was hoping for a T-top, but both my NA`s had the removable sunroof.

Oh Well. . .


04-09-2004, 11:01 AM
Blue-Sun- Cool, single stage paint is fun to work, but as you know, you gotta keep red protected.

*DO NOT* spray clear over it. It won`t work the way you want. In fact no reputable shop would do that.

Just to make sure there isn`t some new paint technology that I`m unaware of, I just called my painter at Stoddard Imports and he said it won`t work. The clear won`t bond properly to the ss paint, it`ll delaminate. Even with b/c, you only have a short window during which you can apply the clear, otherwise it won`t stick to the basecoat for very long. And paint made for clearcoating is different anyhow. Even back in the day, adding layers of clear to (pigmented) lacquer was always sorta tricky to get just right. LOTS of those paintjobs ended up cracking.

Seriously, put that one down as an "oh well, it was a thought" and just treat the paint the way ss oughta be treated.

Get a good polish, some ss-friendly glaze, and some quality wax. Man, I just LOVE how well-maintained ss looks anyhow :xyxthumbs

04-09-2004, 02:15 PM
Thanks accumalator.

what are some SS friendly waxes then? NXT? I know I`lll have to order some new Zaino for it then.

I`ve got Meguiars Gold Class, S100 , AIO and some other over the counter products.

I`m hoping to clean it this weekend, so lemme know so I can go out an pick up what I need.


04-09-2004, 02:19 PM
I also have some DACP and #9 also. . .

04-10-2004, 10:36 AM
Blue-Sun- Most any wax will work fine, but you might want to pick up some #81 Hand Glaze or some #7. The DACP and #9 should work fine too. I`d clay, polish, glaze, then apply some of your S100. Of course, some people prefer the look of Meg`s #26, and I always like their #16, but since you already have it, I`d just use the S100.

NXT is supposed to work great on everything, but I have`t tried it yet so I really dunno about it.

04-10-2004, 01:21 PM
This morning I washed, degreased what I could, used AIO, a coat of NXT and I was in the middle of S100, when a friend came over and I`m taking a lunch break right now.

Pics will be up in a few hours.

It was all I could do today, and it`ll get alot more attention in a few months after I graduate.


04-12-2004, 12:15 PM
hey, how did the NXT work out for you? i applied it a month or so ago and found that it did appear to have some cleaning properties on my black 93T (applicator pad had some black on it). beads well, though, and a subsequent application of NXT this past saturday resulted in a clean pad and glossy finish. makes the ridiculous amounts of pollen we`re getting here in atlanta easy to clean off :)

04-12-2004, 12:25 PM
been thinking abotu pickinig up 91 MR2 - always loved that body style - since your a previous owner - how do they stand up?