View Full Version : Is NXT a silicone-based product?

04-07-2004, 09:16 AM
Is NXT Tech Wax a silicone-based product. I ask because I have asked my bodyshop to finish my car with NXT, but they wanted me to check whether it was silicone-based. Apparently they don`t like silicone-based waxes for some reason or other.

Thank you.

04-07-2004, 09:40 AM
It`s definitely not Silicone-Based, by that definition, that would mean it is based off of silicone, which it is not.

It is not body shop safe. I don`t know of any waxes that are.

Does anyone have a list of waxes with or without silicone that are safe for use in a body shop?

I would imagine, that anything that makes water bead up really well and bonds to the finish really well will cause the same issues for a body shop that any product with silicone could cause.

Body shops by the way don`t tend to like having products that contain, wax, silicone, or protective polymers in them because the issue isn`t so much silicone, the issue is paint adhesion and the resulting lack thereof which looks like fish eyes.

Paint protectants, for the most part keep things from sticking, or attacking the finish, this is not good if you`re trying to make new paint stick to the car`s body panels. That`s why most professional body shops sand the finish down, and also use chemicals to completely clean the surface before painting.

After the car has been painted and the recommended number of days have passed for curing, it is then a good idea to apply a product that protects the finish. At this point, it shouldn`t matter if the product has silicone or not, the idea is the paint needs to be protected, and you shouldn`t have to have it painted again, hopefully for a long time.

From the new FAQ,

19. Are products that contain silicone bad for my car`s finish? (http://www.meguiars.com/faq/_index.cfm?faqCat=General%20Questions&faqQuestionID=19&section=_19#_19)


04-07-2004, 09:49 AM
Thank you Mike, that is extremely helpful.

I have spoken to the bodyshop guy and he is now more than happy to prep the car using my NXT Treh Wax. They have a detailing area there. He was only concerned about silicone.

I am very pleased with NXT and the Meguiars products generally. Both NXT and Gold Class liquid wax have put a better, longer-lasting finish on my 1999 Merecdes-Benz SL500 than any other product I`ve used, including Zymol. I`m also impressed that you (Mike Phillips) keep up the contributions to this forum despite some of the needlessly argumentative posts!

04-07-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by jjrodger

I`m also impressed that you (Mike Phillips) keep up the contributions to this forum despite some of the needlessly argumentative posts!

Ahhh shucks man... it`s just car wax....

Thanks anyway...


04-07-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by BlackRegal


I don`t have a "list" of waxes but AutoInt/Valugard produces a product called "Finishing Wax" that they advertise as bodyshop safe, appropriate for use over fresh paint, and silicone free. Thats the only one I know of...

Thanks BlackRegal,

I didn`t know about this product, it sounds interesting. I know Meguiar`s #81 Speed Glaze contains a bodyshop safe polymer. I`ll check their website out for more information...


04-07-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Mike Phillips

#81 Speed Glaze


You mean #80 speed glaze. ;) :D

04-07-2004, 02:44 PM
Yes, that`s what I meant, thank you....

(typing too fast.... thinking too slow!)
