View Full Version : Clean Paint before a Polish?

04-05-2004, 07:47 PM
If I were to use a polish like Meguiars SFP or Merenza FP to remove some swirl marks, is it necessary to remove the old wax and clean the paint before you use the Polish? Would the Polish be less effective at removing the swirl marks if the paint had old wax on it still and was not cleaned before its use? It would seem like since the Polishes have abrasives in them that it would just strip what was on the paint, but if you look at any 1,2,3 Step Systems out there, there is always a Cleaner step first before the Polish(Example Meguairs Deep Crystal System, Step 1, 2, 3). So is there a reason why most systems start with the cleaning step or can I just start my detailing process with a polish like Meguiars SFP and it will remove all the old wax on the paint and also effectively remove minor swirl marks at the same time. Thanks for the help.

a.k.a. Patrick
04-05-2004, 08:37 PM
I think if you clay, and clean, you wont have any worries. The cleaners are doing precisely what their designed to do, remove contaminants, and round edges (If abrasive in nature). You have to remember, all "cleaners", are are polishes, there either chemical or abrasives ! If your looking to "clean" i would go with a chemical cleaner, they have the ability to get in the pores a little better than abrasives, then follow up with an abrasive type cleaner, then seal.....

04-06-2004, 06:21 AM
Always begin a major polishing with a comple claying.

If you don`t clean off the old wax, it will just build up in your polishing pad - have several on hand.

Also there is the possibility that there may be hard contaminants embedded in the finish you have on the car. Removing the finish will removed the junk and you will run less risk of damaging the paint during the polishing steps.

FP, although a polish, IMO is a last step polish used to burnish the paint to a high gloss. Using it to remove swirls may be ineffective. Try something like IP or 1Z PP or #83 or #82 (if swirls are very light) to actually cut the swirls out, THEN, FP to burnish the paint to a high shine before applying a new finish (AIO & SG or a wax or whatever your fave du jour is).

04-06-2004, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the replys.

I do plan on claying my car first this spring. Does Claying remove wax from the finish too or does it just remove the contamintes?

Also, if I am just looking to remove old wax on the finish before I use a product like SFP, can I just use a 50/50 mixed of Isopryal(Spelling?) Alcohol and water? If so, do i just wipe it on the paint and then remove with another cloth? Thanks again

04-06-2004, 11:16 PM
the alcohol will remove the wax. I also think it removes sealants too though not entirely sure on the sealant part but me thinks so.

04-07-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by racsos

the alcohol will remove the wax. I also think it removes sealants too though not entirely sure on the sealant part but me thinks so.

Rubbing alcohol removes Klasse SG and at least compromises UPP (formerly Platinum).