View Full Version : Meguiars SFP and #81 ?`s

04-05-2004, 07:14 PM
I have a few questions about some Meguiars products that i really could not find answers to doing a search.

1)Does Swirl Free Polish have and fillers in it or is it a pure abrasive polish like Menzerna FP? If I apply a cleaner like AIO to put a sealant on will it remove the fillers making the swirls reappear?

2) Does the Hand Polish #81 have any abrasives in it or is it just a glaze full of oils to fill swirls? If it does have any abrasives are, they powerful enough to remove any swirls or will the #81 just fill swirls? Thanks for all the help.

04-07-2004, 06:36 PM
Anyone have some answers on these products. thanks

04-07-2004, 08:11 PM
Yes, SFP has fillers. However, Menzerna FP has almost no abrasives, so I am confused by your definition of them. If you use AIO after SFP, it will remove the fillers and it really depends on the severity of the swirls to see if they were removed or not. As for the hand polish, it has almost no abrasives. It won`t remove swirls.