View Full Version : How long to wait before removing Klasse SG

09-25-2004, 07:22 PM
So how long do those of you that use SG wait to remove it? Do you apply then wait maybe 30 seconds and remove or do you leave it on much longer than that?

09-25-2004, 08:17 PM
Sometimes I do a section at a time other times I do the entire car then go back and remove it . Just make sure you put it on thin and you shouldn`t have problems taking it off. Link (http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=48)

09-25-2004, 09:27 PM
Thanks fo rthe link rollman. Good article. Just finished reading it. :) I`d been applying SG to the whole car and then removing, but I found today that doing an entire bumper, or a single panel and then removing was easier. I just started using SG this past month or so and I`m learning to really apply this stuff as thin as I can.

09-25-2004, 09:53 PM
The wipe on/off method (WOO or WOWO) for applying SG was documented by DC and Autopia member BillNorth. This procedure recommends applying and removing the SG one panel at a time. Some people have reported no loss of durability using this method when compared to the traditional apply to the whole car, wait, then wipe off method. The main benefit to this method is that SG is much easier to remove if it is not allowed to sit on the surface for very long. Read this for more details - Klasse WOO instructions (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30989)

09-26-2004, 01:11 AM
Thanks for the link Marj. I`ll check it out right now. I`ve got a second coat to put on in the morning before I return the lady`s car to her.

09-26-2004, 10:35 AM
I never seem to be able to get it on evenly so there are always spots that won`t come off easily. What I do in a case like that is dampen my MF with a light mist of Acrylic Spritz! and it comes right off.

09-26-2004, 10:59 AM
Your gonna like SG alot. I top it off weekly with Sonus Acrylic Glanz and sometimes I use the Acrylic Spritz by them . They both work great IMO

09-26-2004, 12:18 PM
After talking with a few older *gurus*, they all seem to say the same thing. Leaving SG on as long as possible is the best way to go. A minimum of 30 minutes, but several hours is even better. Evidentally, there is a window of time where SG is going through a *hard to remove* stage, and you can either remove it before this stage (i.e., WOWO method) or you can leave it on for the duration and it comes off just as easy. So far, I`ve only used the wowo method, but in the next couple of days I will be applying to the whole car and letting it sit for an hour or so and then remove it to see how that works. I find the number 1 biggest determining factor in easy removal is ambient temp. and humidity. If it`s too hot or too humid, this is just a pain no matter what you do. In the end, it`s all person preference.

09-26-2004, 12:22 PM
When I used Klasse SG as my primary sealant, I followed the "wait 90 minutes" method. Using that method, the product was rather difficult to buff off. I had to use the one damp cloth followed by the one dry cloth procedure to wipe off all the residue. WOO is much easier, but I have not tried any side by side comparisons to see if durability is affected.

09-26-2004, 05:27 PM
If the FMJ turns out to be as durable as the SG, I`m switching next winter.

09-27-2004, 12:02 AM
i switched to the fmj for winter... i`ll let u know how it goes....
as far as the klasse, i usually leave it on for 30minutes-1 hour, but as an expirament, i left it on overnight, and took it off the next day.... really was a breeze to take off, and i felt better thinkin that it had atleast 12 hours to cure or whatever....