View Full Version : Which QD`s with WG?

04-01-2004, 01:25 AM
Well, my first real WG question...Which QD`s will work with this product? I am guessing pretty much anything that doesn`t have a "wax" in it?!?! For example, Quickshine, Z-6, Wizards, Blackfire....Just looking for suggestions, but of course I will break down and buy the WG QD at some point. ;) I`d appreciate your input!



04-01-2004, 03:14 AM
I`ve read that Quickshine gives good results as well as Z-6. Wolfgang shouldn`t be that much different than all other premium quality sealants out there (Klasse SG, 4* UPP, Blackfire, etc.) maybe with the exception of Zaino since their products are so exclusive.

04-01-2004, 06:09 AM
The Wolfgang Detailing Spritz has been upgraded and gives a real deep gloss. It was ok before, but its killer now!:up

04-01-2004, 10:34 AM
While I was waiting on the re-formulated WG QD, I used some Z6 I had on my shelf. Very nice, adds slickness and gloss. Now that I have the re-formulated WG QD, I rate it much higher than the original, and on par with Z6 (altough the Z6 seemed to provide a surface that was just a little slicker than WG).

I`ve tried QuickShine with WG, too . . . worked OK, but not as well as WG QD or Z6, IMO.


05-02-2004, 05:12 PM
Just wanted to give my $0.02.

Have used both Z-6 and WG QD now (I assume my WG QD is reformulated as I just received last Fri.) over my WG sealed TL.

Both produce about the same shine. Z-6 is indeed a *bit* slicker but both are pretty slick. Only way I can tell the difference is when I do a side by side.

Both are easy wiping and drying over a sealed surface. Not quite so over non sealed (like untreated glass, for instance.)

Finally, Z-6 smells better. :p I just like that grapety-grape smell that Z-6 has. I don`t know why that`s a big deal... it just is.

In the end, I`ll probably go with WG QD. Main reason? I can get it in bulk for much cheaper. I suppose I should email Sal to see if he has bulk purchase options but so far, I don`t see anything on the Z site.

05-02-2004, 05:13 PM
Final Detail works well too.