View Full Version : Can I use MP again? Abrasiveness Question

03-29-2004, 03:49 PM
Very quick question....I used MP a few weeks ago, and have a few areas of the car I very lightly swirled over the weekend when I washed. I am so mad at myself! So, can I safely use MP again, or?? Just dont want to harm the finish!



03-29-2004, 04:37 PM
only downside of using MP again is that you would have to re-wax, other than that polish away.

03-29-2004, 04:42 PM
Thanks very much...I figured it was safe! A great product for light defects!


03-29-2004, 04:51 PM
you can use the MP as often as you like, it won`t harm your paint in any way. the only reason you`d have to rewax is if you followed your last app of MP with glanz or some other carnauba or sealant. if you didn`t follow with anything the MP will last you up to 3 or 4 months on it`s own as long as you wash regularly.

03-29-2004, 07:13 PM
Yeah, don`t worry about over-use of MP. It`s so mild you`ll be lucky if it removes the marring. But then it seems everyone has softer paint than I do (well, except for the Jag).