View Full Version : Stained MF from car oxidation: Throw out?

03-29-2004, 11:33 AM
Title says nearly all. I have a single stage black which has recently stained up about five of my MF. I`m concerned that they are "compromised". My hands can tell a difference, but there has to be something there to make them stained, and I`m not sure I want that rubbing against the car.

Should they stay or should they go?

03-29-2004, 11:36 AM
Have you washed them?

03-29-2004, 12:55 PM
Worse case is that you save the MF for your grunge work...ie door jambs, wheels, engine work....

That way your not worrying if it gets messed up...

I have a bunch of old MF`s that are specifically for these purposes.

03-29-2004, 01:24 PM
Here`s the pecking order for DEMOTED MF towels....

1. New or nearly new [exterior paint]

2. Frayed / stained [wheels, door jambs]

3. Heavily stained, frayed [engine bay]

4. Totalled! [rag pile]

03-29-2004, 01:28 PM
I have a single stage black car too and the paint comes out after I wash them. But if you think they are compromised, what the others said.

03-29-2004, 05:06 PM
MF is a petroleum-based product and will stain. I don`t feel that it affects the effectiveness or safety of the MF, but I can see where it would make someone uncomfortable.

Most of my personal WW towels are stained and seem to be fine.

03-30-2004, 09:05 AM
Slackmeister, yes, they are truley stained. After more reading, I think I will try washing them with dishwashing detergent, the kind that goes into the dishwasher, in the clothes washer. If that doesn`t take the stains out, I will consider them compromised.

If that`s the case, I think I`ll incorporate a pecking order as Luster suggested.

03-30-2004, 09:31 AM
A stain won`t scratch or interfere with the performance of any fabric, microfiber or standard. It`s is just that, a stain, no different than the dyes that are there already. The stain doesn`t contain any grit or particles, it is only the pigment of the paint "dyeing" the fabric.

03-30-2004, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Luster

Here`s the pecking order for DEMOTED MF towels....

1. New or nearly new [exterior paint]

2. Frayed / stained [wheels, door jambs]

3. Heavily stained, frayed [engine bay]

4. Totalled! [rag pile]

That`s my exact method.:up

03-30-2004, 10:10 AM
If your concerned about the stain - bin it. Towels are relatively cheap.

I must admit I had not thought about a league table for old MF towels but I will seriously consider it now.

03-30-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by DFTowel

A stain won`t scratch or interfere with the performance of any fabric, microfiber or standard. It`s is just that, a stain, no different than the dyes that are there already. The stain doesn`t contain any grit or particles, it is only the pigment of the paint "dyeing" the fabric. :what he said

DF said what I felt like saying but didn`t know how to say... :D A stain is ugly but that`s the only downside. I use stained mf`s all the time with no problems other than I don`t like looking at them.

Hmmmmm....come to think of it...although I keep my stained mf`s in the same pile as the pretty ones I don`t use the stained ones for paint polishing, only for grunt work...door jambs etc. It`s kind of an unconscious prejudice working there. I "know" there`s nothing wrong with them so they go in the good towel stack but I pass over the stained ones when I`m working. :doh Anyone want to know what I had for breakfast?

03-30-2004, 12:14 PM
Thanks everyone. I think I`ll keep the stained MFs and just introduce an unofficial caste system basted on coloration prejudgice.

But...I`m going to buy some more MF anyway. :)