View Full Version : rust stain?

03-28-2004, 09:56 PM
This is my first post; Please easy on me.

I have 02 Camry LE with silver metallic color.

The paint is in good condition, washed & wax frequently when the weather permit, to the point my wife complaint about the time i spend on it.

Visual inspected the paint today.

Found approx. 5 to 6 brown spots on doors and trunk lid, appeared to be rust stain, rubbed off easily with wet finger. Feel like pin holes at where the spots were at.

Not sure if they were rust stain; Anyone experience this during and right after the winter?

If the paint puncture (pin hole) would sealer/glaze and wax provide sufficient seal? Pin hole is too small for touch-up paint.


03-28-2004, 10:19 PM
are you talking about very small pin point stains? If so I have seen them on several light colored vehicles including one of mine but they are only on the surface and polish off easily. Not to sure what it is but I think its just environmental contaminates.

03-28-2004, 10:55 PM
Could it have been rail dust?

03-29-2004, 09:13 AM
Yup. Sounds like Industrail Fallout or rail dust. Do some research on using clay. That will take care of the problems that cause the rust dots. A simple paint cleaner will take care of the dots. If you don`t clay the car then the dots are going to come back. Clay is the solution. Clay Magic can be purchased at AutoZone for about ten bucks. That is what I would suggest you get.

03-29-2004, 11:41 AM
Or AutoInt`s ABC. The "B" step is acidic and works well on stuff like that (I clay while it`s dwelling).

03-29-2004, 08:23 PM
So the majority vote for rail dust?

I am no expert; But, i think you are right.

I already have Mothers Ultimate wax system (3 steps process)

Would Mothers Utimate wax system take care of rail dust?

Or should i clay it first then go thru all the step of the Ultimate wax system?

I am not ready for the clay process, i feel nervous to do it.


03-29-2004, 08:34 PM
I noticed this on the wifes Grand Cherokee, but I clayed it before and there was nothing there after, and this weekend I noticed it so not sure if I would blame rail-dust. I figured it was from the brake rotors, because it was mostly on the back. I`m figuring the brake dust blows down the side of the car and the tiny metallic pieces in the brake dust sticks to the paint gets wet and then forms the spots. But then again, I could be totally wrong and may have pulled that out of my butt. Prob just indus. fallout.

03-30-2004, 11:10 AM
Well, ferrous deposits are ferrous deposits, whether they come from rail dust or brake rotors. And rust is rust. Whatever causes it, at least you`re spotting it now and inclined to do something about it :xyxthumbs

If you`re not gonna use ABC, at least clay before polishing. It`s really nothing to be nervous about, any "damage" you might cause (and that`s not likely if you do it carefully) is less serious than the rust-blooms can become. The worst you can do is cause a little marring and that`s not as bad on silver. Just use LOTS of lube, move the clay VERY gently over the surface, and use a new piece of clay for each panel.

I know from experience that the rust blooms can REALLY look awful on light colored cars. And if you let them get too established they`ll always come back. If you mar the paint a little with the clay, you can always polish it. Different, less severe problem in the long run.

03-31-2004, 09:17 AM
I don`t think people avoid using ABC because they don`t want to. I think they avoid it because they have never heard of it and its not something you can pick up locally. Its also the kind of thing you don`t have to use very often. Unless you are detailing more than just your own car and you offer a wide selection of services, I don`t think that it is directed at the enthusiast detailer. I love my valugaurd stuff, but its just not for the amature weekend warrior. I think Clay will work for what he needs it to do. I wish there was a consumer ABC type product. It really is useful stuff. :bigups

03-31-2004, 11:19 AM
Jngrbrdman- Maybe I oughta watch the "esoteric product" recommendations to newbies, but I sorta figure that we Autopians blur the lines between serious amateurs and pros. I hardly EVER do anyone else`s vehicles, but I consider the ABC a good purchase. When I first got it, I figured I`d end up selling my leftover ABC to someone else, but I`ve pretty much used it up, using it only on our new vehicles when they`re first delivered. But that`s just me. A gallon of ANYTHING doesn`t last me all that long ;)

I`ve had SO much trouble with the rust blooms on our silver vehicles that I needed to move beyond claying. The ABC worked so well that I guess I`m sorta enamored of it for new car clean-ups, so I end up recommending it to everybody :o

Yeah, a "consumer" version, something better than just Dawn/vinegar/regular wash would be a good thing, but I bet it`d never sell. Hard enough to get people to clay.