View Full Version : My pain after the bugs hit it...

03-28-2004, 01:10 PM
How do you feel after your car is just washed and waxed, then you decided to take it out for a nice drive in 70 degree weather and then you go home to see a million bugs all over your shiney clean car just 2 hours before. I really try not to treat my TT like a garage queen, but you know... :eek:

GO Dawgs
03-28-2004, 01:20 PM
What do you use for bugs my truck is black and after I think I have all of them off I see them.

03-28-2004, 01:43 PM
For fresh insect splats I use Poorboys Spray & Wipe. For bugs that have been on the paint for a longer period of time I use Einszett Inseckt. Works really well.

03-28-2004, 01:59 PM
Like andrive said for newly killed bugs, I use Megs #34 FI and for dried up ones I usually just wash the car, I always wanted to try out Einszett Inseckt myself.

imported_Dirt Doctor
03-28-2004, 02:18 PM
bugs are a beeeeotch. i have two techniques:

1. cool paint in shade first. spray a very diluted mix of simple green, 20:1 works, on the surface. (i actually prefer new wave from ardex, less streaking)allow to set for just a sec. work the areas with a do-all/honeycomb sponge.(this is a yellow sponge that can be purchased anywhere for $1.50-3.00, make sure you soak this sponge in water for at least 5 mins. squeeze all the air out under water in you wash bucket). rinse. make sure you wax. if there is major grime you may want to wash the area first with any method that you use. remember, grinding grime/sand/dirt will cause scratches.

2. if the bugs are fresh, i just cool the paint in shade, apply a washing shampoo concentrate directly to my do-all/ yellow honeycomb sponge and scrub. this method is prefered as it is un necc. to apply a wax/ sealeant or whatever.


one more tip

if your going on long trips prep your paint with a high quality wax b4 u go. as you pump up on gas , grab one off those squeeges, at the gas station and maintain yopu bug situation as you go. be carful using these squeeegeees, i have seen one of my clinte tear up her hood by using one to remove bird dropppingd. the sueegy was old and the metal part scratched the shizzzzit out of her hood.

03-28-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Doctor

bugs are a beeeeotch. i have two techniques:

... spray a very diluted mix of simple green, 20:1 works, on the surface. (i actually prefer new wave from ardex, less streaking)allow to set for just a sec. work the areas with a do-all/honeycomb sponge...

...as you pump up on gas , grab one off those squeeges, at the gas station and maintain yopu bug situation as you go. be carful using these squeeegeees.

I dunno, those approaches sound AWFULLY harsh to me. No way anyone I know could do them without damaging their finish to some extent.

Those gas station squeegees never even touch my glass.

Accumulatorette travels extensively in the South, in her A8, at all times of the year. LOTS of bugs in the summer, so I know a bit about this issue (been dealing with it several times a year since the `80s). I`ve never needed Simple Green, coarse sponges, or on-the-road cleanings. She`ll attend to any AWFUL ones with a MF and some QD after going through a (truly) touchless carwash at her destination, being VERY careful not to induce micromarring. With the vehicle prepped properly before the trip, any other bugs just come off with clay when she gets back. No marring, no etching from the bug guts, no need to even rewax.

Bill D
03-28-2004, 03:46 PM
I`ve been using FI to remove bugs as well with good results. I will be trying some QEW in a spray bottle next.

imported_Dirt Doctor
03-28-2004, 05:41 PM
the problem down in fl is we have a species of bugs called "love bugs". these little devils get so hard that there is no alternative, and you are right. thats why we tell our clients they must keep these things off as they see them. we do tons of paint repair because off either the bugs, or the damage done removing them.

03-28-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Doctor

the problem down in fl is we have a species of bugs called "love bugs". these little devils get so hard that there is no alternative...

OK. Yep, extreme conditions can call for extreme measures. I just didn`t want some newbie to trash their paint if they just needed a little clay or QD. Glad you didn`t seem to take my post as a slam.

[Accumulator *NOW* takes note of the FLA location :o ]