View Full Version : Klasse AIO/SG or SG alone after six months?

03-26-2004, 03:46 AM
I did my first Klasse application six months ago (claybar, AIO x 2, SG x 5). With the weather warming up, Im ready for my spring application. My question is, do I go with the same sequence, clay, AIO, then SG, or should I just clay and put on a few coats of SG without AIO? I just was concerned that the AIO would remove the 5 coats of SG that I painstakingly applied over several weeks last fall. I`m willing to start over from scratch, however, if that is the proper way to do it. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance.

03-26-2004, 04:51 AM
Start over. Odds are that most of it is gone already!


03-26-2004, 09:31 AM
If all you`ve done since last Fall is wash and have lived off the protection of the AIO and SG, then you`ve been more than paid back for your effort.

No doubt there is *some* SG protection still left as it is durable, but you`re probably at the tail end of of it`s useful life. I`d start over and reapply the Klasse Twins. The AIO will remove all previous SG applications.

Just think how good the car will look and feel with a fresh application of SG. :xyxthumbs

03-26-2004, 02:21 PM
OK, I`ll give the other side. If the finish looks fine after you`ve clayed it, just apply SG. Our MPV has gone longer than that, and it doesn`t need AIO yet (in fact, the SG is still beading like mad).

Depends on your situation, but since you`re gonna wash and clay anyhow, just see what`s REALLY necessary (you might even need to polish out some marring- hope not). If in doubt, then yeah, start over, but only if you think you need to.

03-26-2004, 02:37 PM
I`m with Accumulator. I have 3 coats of SG on my car. But over New Year`s, some nut job crashed into the back of the car when it was parked. Anyway, long story short, just last week, I washed, clayed, AIO`d, and SG`d the trunk, left rear quarter, and bumper. For grins, I clayed and AIO`d and SG`d the hood too, since my car is outside 24/7. I didn`t do the hood. Today, after 3 days of rain, all parts of the car bead the same (really well) and I am satisfied that there was plenty of SG left on the hood.

Klasse durability has been proven time and time again. So if you are happy with it, just add more SG after claying. If there is swirl removal and other cleaning to do, then I would AIO.

Preachers Sheets
03-26-2004, 04:18 PM
I would clean the car and start over. Usally it`s hard to maintain the car through the winter and I find alot of crud can collect on the paint. If there arnt alot of swirls on the paint it should be easy enough, clay, AIO then Glaze.

03-26-2004, 05:50 PM

Then when you are done with your layers of SG, hit the paint with UPP - so slick, MF`s just slide right off on their own....