View Full Version : Detail on Demand

09-24-2004, 09:31 AM
Last night while on the way back from the store I spotted a truck with big bold letters "Detail On Demand" and the phone number. I called right away and the guy driving answered. I inquired about his services to see what he was doing in comparison to me. He asked what type of car, year, size, and condition, all good questions.
Then I asked about a full detail and what that included. He said that he cleaned the treated the inside vacuumed the rugs spot cleaned rugs. Outside did the rims, tires, wells, and did a hand wax with a top quality wax. I asked about the price $185.00. Then I asked about buffing and here is where he buried himself with me and how he (I think) misleads the general person.

He said that for a small amount more that he would shampoo the rugs and do the trunk, and use a one step wax with a orbital buffer that he spins a 120,000 RPM that would get the car back to show room condition.
I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting nervous because he had to deliver the new price. However he again buried himself with me by saying he had a special polish/ wax (AIO) that was his own special blend of carnauba and polish with a sealant and perma plate added to it and would last for 8 months. All this for now $225.00
I said thanks I was inquiring about my wife`s car and would call him back if she was interested.

In all the years that I have been selling for a living and detailing as a part time job. I yet to run across any detailers that I feel tell you straight up what they are doing. This is not rocket science or should you try and throw up the smoke and mirrors to make to look that way

My jobs are $200.00 and up pickup and delivered. That includes everything except the motor and that`s another $50.00 most don`t do the motors. I go over all my cars with clay, SWR, P-w-C, sealant, and paste wax (some times). I don`t see any other way. The insides are all cleaned treated shampooed the whole nine yards.

Do you think that I am being to judgmental?

09-24-2004, 09:42 AM
Do you think that I am being to judgmental?

No, it`s good to `shop the competition.` I just think that it`s easy for a lot of detailers to blow smoke because the majority of the population are so uneducated about paint care & protection. Most people wouldn`t know the difference between removing the swirls in their paint and having someone use a wax/filler that fills them in for a short time. I think it may be hard on some of the good pros who know the difference that some guy can do half the job, but still rake in the same dough. I`m not a pro, but that`s just my opinion. I`m sure if your work was next to his, you could see the difference Beemer. And so could the customer. I know from personal experience, some of my family members don`t know (nor care) how to detail like some of the people here. I guess this guy has just found his market and is making it work.

09-24-2004, 10:03 AM
Most people don`t know what swirls are!!!

I offer a basic package (a light polish like SSR2 on PC and sealant) for relatively cheap and then charge extra for swirl/scratch removal. This way if they just want it shiney, they don`t pay me a high fee, but for those that care, they can have me remove swirls as well. For most people, they do not appreciate the extra effort I would take to remove swirls and would not want to pay for it. 90% of the cars I do are taken through the automatic washer. I even talk people out of removing swirls if they use the auto washer and explain why there is no point.

09-24-2004, 10:17 AM
Sounds like the standard mantra this guy was preaching is:

"If you can`t flabergast `em with facts, then baffle `em with bullsh__ "

May also be employing the FUD factor:

(F)ear (U)ncertainty (D)oubt

Either way, not a good way to business and it`s never going to generate referrals and/or repeat business, both of which are the detailer`s lifeblood.

09-24-2004, 10:18 AM
I agree, I always tell it how it is to the customer, I hope/think they appreciate it. Makes you sound knowledgeable IMO.

Big Leegr
09-24-2004, 11:05 AM
a orbital buffer that he spins a 120,000 RPM that would get the car back to show room condition.

Ok, I gotta ask....is 120,000 a typo or did he seriously say that? :bigscream :wow

09-24-2004, 11:29 AM

That not a typo I about dropped the phone.

09-24-2004, 01:45 PM

That not a typo I about dropped the phone.

You weren`t laughing were you, Beemer???? :hah

09-24-2004, 01:47 PM
No shaking my head more than anything else

09-24-2004, 01:48 PM
And one last thing if it was spinning 120K you couldn`t hold on to it. Would be like holding on to a airplane motor with a big prop on it

09-24-2004, 08:28 PM
If he`s got something in his hands that spinning at better than 100K then h must have been a dentist in some former life.

Dentist`s drills spin at better than 100K.