View Full Version : Using Scratch X with Zaino

03-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Hi, I have been a Zaino user for quite some time, but liek most ppl have found out that the Z5 dosen`t really take care of some of the minor scratches. I was wondering if you guys/gals, would suggest using Scratch X before using Zaino?

Does Scratch X actually remove teh swirls or does it..just fill it in? How would you go about doing this? Thanks.

03-24-2004, 12:06 PM
Without a picture or better description of the swirls, it is impossible to tell if Scratch-X will take them out. But from my limited Scratch-X use, I would say no.

03-24-2004, 01:39 PM
sorry..i really don`t have pictures..of it right now, but has anyone used zaino with scratch x?

03-24-2004, 02:24 PM
Scratch X only fills in the swirls. To remove swirls, you need a machine buffer and an abrasive polish. I agree that Zaino really doesnt remove scratches, but it does take care of light swirls. It removes most of them from my experience. I still see swirls in my cars in direct light, but not as many as I started with.

I havent used Scratch X yet, but since Scratch X is directly made for swirls I`m guessing it will do a better job than Zaino will, but wont leave as good a shine or reflection that Zaino does. And I doubt that scratch X will work on top of Zaino. Make sure to get all the Zaino off with Dawn and then use scratch x followed by as many Zaino applications as you desire.

03-24-2004, 03:38 PM
Its not a question of using them together as they really have no bearing on one another. Will the scratch-x help your swirls, maybe. Will it eliminate them, probably not. Its not going to hurt anything to try it. Obviously it will remove the Zaino and you will have to reapply it.

03-24-2004, 07:45 PM
ScratchX is full of oils and fillers & the mild abrasives so to use it under Zaino is a waste of time unless you rub a lot so the abrasives do the job. The oils and fillers need to be removed from the car before reapplying Zaino or it won`t bond.