View Full Version : What to do about fraying floormats?

03-23-2004, 05:13 AM
The edges of my floormats are beginning to fray quite a bit, and it is REALLY annoying me. It makes the interior look so messy.

I don`t have pics but the floor mats are in a C32 Mercedes, probably the same mats as most Mercedes. Normal pile, with stiching around the edges with very fine nylon. The nylon fibers must have torn from rubbing against the interior carpets. Anyway suggestions on how to fix them? maybe cut away the frayed edges?

thanks in advance,


Mr Concours
03-23-2004, 05:43 AM
I sometimes use a disposable razor and dry `shave` the detail stiching on my showcar when it frays,this is only a short term fix the other thing you could do after is put some clean nail varnish on the fray afterwards (not tried this though,just an idea)

03-23-2004, 06:29 AM
Buy new ones??

03-23-2004, 09:02 AM
Best solution I`ve found is: remove them from the vehicle..seriously.....take an ordinary lighter..hold it close to the mat and MELT the frayed fibers. The heat will meld them together so that they will not easily unravel again. Just do it for a couple of seconds till you get the hang of it. Works very well...just don`t do it in the car..the smell can linger. I do mine about twice a year..W202 MB..mine are black and they show as light color when they fray..a little heat..quick wash..good as new.:xyxthumbs

03-23-2004, 06:21 PM
Thanks for the suggestions~ ! I`ll light em up as soon as I get a chance!
