View Full Version : What is this and How to remove it?

03-22-2004, 01:09 PM
Hello all,

I`m new to detailing and would like to learn more about it. I`m trying to learn as much as i can by doing the search function, but it`s kinda hard when you don`t know what it is you facing.

So i got this beat-up car that was abuse and as my training ground to learn the wonders of detailing as my own personal interest.

So i wash the car and clay it, this is what i got.

Can anyone tell me what are these problem call?

On the first picture, it show 2 problem area. Notice the right side it`s kinda haze and dull. Is this what it call?

On the left, it`s something like a mark that etch onto the paint, what is this? It`s looks like the second pictures.

03-22-2004, 01:14 PM
This is the second picture.

It show some kind of etch in the paint. What is this?

I don`t expect to remove all of the problems if it cannot be solve, but is there any way to reduce it?

Since i`m learning, can someone advice me what products do i need to reduce this problems?

I don`t have a PC, but i do have those Wein cordless orbital polisher (have the yellow, green, white and wool pad), but i`ll be using hand another way of doing it.

03-22-2004, 01:21 PM
I forgot, a little background on the paint and car.

It`s a 95 Ford Contour. I believe it have clear coat on it. Because when i use NXT on it with a yellow form pad, the paint doesn`t stick to the form pad. So i assume it does have clear coat on it.

Anyone can help me with the step and products i need to help with this problems?

03-22-2004, 01:27 PM
What you have is etching of the "bird dropping" or acid rain variety.

You will essentially need to remove enough clear coat to "get it out"

Try 2000 grit sand paper with lots of water, then polish going from more agggressive to less aggressive polish with each step, then wax.Use a light touch and go slow. The worst part is that you will then need to do the rest of the car to match!!!!

Good luck.

03-22-2004, 01:28 PM
looks like it was from bird droppings...

03-22-2004, 02:25 PM
What type of more aggressive and less aggressive polish should i use? There are tons out there.

03-22-2004, 02:32 PM
nizee- The hazing might be oxidation or marring (fine swirls, etc.), it`s hard to tell. Polishing should help there. If I were in your position, I`d try either 1Z polishes (Ultra, Paint, Metallic) or 3M`s PI-III stuff (RC 05933, MG 05937), or Menzerna. I`d probably use the most aggressive of those products with the yellow pad, maybe the wool if the problems are stubborn. Then the milder product with the green pad.

The same products will help with the nasty etching (yeah, bird bomb, acid rain, industrial fallout, something like that), but don`t expect to fully remove it. *I* wouldn`t try wetsanding it, there`s quite a learning curve there. Just get it as best you can and live with it. No point in compromising the clearcoat.

03-22-2004, 07:04 PM
As the others said the 2nd picture is most likely bird bombs, I have the same marks on my car. By hand I used Autoglym Paint Renovator, then Autoglym Super Resin Polish which helped, but the marks are still there albeit less noticeable.

03-23-2004, 11:27 AM
Thanks to all that reply.

I`ll probably buy 1Z UPP, PP, MP and EP to work on it.

What is the product from Meguiar`s that are similar to the above?

03-23-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by nizee

Thanks to all that reply.

I`ll probably buy 1Z UPP, PP, MP and EP to work on it.

What is the product from Meguiar`s that are similar to the above?

*I* find Meg`s products quite different from the 1Z stuff. But I`d say DACP and #82 are comparable abrasive polishes.

03-23-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

*I* find Meg`s products quite different from the 1Z stuff. But I`d say DACP and #82 are comparable abrasive polishes.

In what way are they different? I`m just curious.