View Full Version : clay scratches in clearcoat

03-22-2004, 01:19 AM
We just picked up our car this week and washed it the next day. I clayed one fender to remove some overspray or wax splatter or something and now notice fine scrathes where I used it. It was a brand new piece of clay and I did not drop it.

I have used it before and never noticed the scratches, but then again I have never had a black car before. Is this normal for clay to do that?

I`ll hit them with some #9 and then NXT and see if I can get rid of them.

I clayed my white car alot. Maybe I just didn`t notice them.

There are also some swirls on one door where someone leaned or rubbed on the car while it was dusty.

Black sure is pretty, but alot of work to maintain.

03-22-2004, 01:24 AM
If there is a lot of contamination and you don`t knead the clay, or at least turn it to the clean side, you`ll drag the particles across the paint. That can definately cause scratches. Also try to lighten up on the pressure. You don`t need to force the clay against the paint, just let it do the work. I`m no pro, just my personal experiences.

03-22-2004, 02:44 AM
Amen the above....

Keep the lube up to the work area ( cap ful of car shampoo and water in a spray botttle works well and is cheap )

Keep kneading the clay to keep a clean work surface on the clay

03-22-2004, 11:38 AM
Thor- Yeah, just work at claying as gently as possible. Besides being black, perhaps your new paint is also softer that what you worked with before. Going from white to black is gonna make for a steep learning curve ;)

Remember that once the clay picks up ANYTHING, there`s nothing protecting your finish except the lube (until you knead/replace the piece of clay). The contaminants don`t really "sink into" the clay much, so if you move the clay 3" and pick up something after the first 2"- well, get the idea?

And on the bright side, if the contaminants stuck in the clay are causing marring, then you`re picking some nasty stuff off/out of the paint by using the clay.