View Full Version : Washing microfiber

03-21-2004, 07:45 PM
Just had to tell someone as my wife didn`t seem to care at all :)

I finally got around to trying the tip of putting 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar in the final rinse cycle when washing microfiber. I had noticed recently that my pakshak waffle weave towels were not as absorbant as they used to be and were actually discoloring (yellowing). I use All Free and Clear and always run them through a second wash and rinse cycle with no detergent. Obviously though detergent was still building up in the towels. After one wash with the vinegar in the rinse cycle the discoloration is gone and the towels have turned back into water magnets.

GREAT TIP, don`t know why I never tried it before. :o

tom p.
03-21-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by rjstaaf

Just had to tell someone as my wife didn`t seem to care at all


I wonder if it`s the minerals building up in the towels over time...not the soap. This may vary depending upon local water supply.

I had gotten a nice shipment of towels from Ranney and DavidB. I had initially thought David`s were quite a bit softer. After numerous washings the towels feel identical and that original "softness" has been lost. The towels now feel the same.

04-13-2004, 01:47 PM
Sorry to dig this one up, but I am having the same problems with the absorbancy of the WW MF`s diminishing. Is the vinegar rinse the answer, or how about the MF Restore product. Anyone care to comment?

04-13-2004, 02:05 PM
If you have white distilled vinegar around the house give it a try. I noticed a huge difference when I added 1/2 cup to the rinse cycle.

04-13-2004, 06:37 PM
The vinegar acts to help the fibers shed any excess detergent, that is why they suddenly appear softer and why white vinegar is known as the original fabric softener. Typically people use way too much detergent so try and cut down on the amount you use and always us about a tablespoon of distilled white vinegar per towel in the wash. Your towels will last a lot longer and require less maintenance.

04-13-2004, 06:42 PM
Domestic question:

Are you folks hanging around the washer waiting for the dial to change over to "Rinse" or do you have a buzzer setting? I put vinegar in the Downy ball because I figure that is the next best thing...

tom p.
04-13-2004, 07:36 PM
mentions that you can simply add the WV (white vinegar :eek: ) to your machine`s fabric softener dispenser. It will automatically add the WV ( :D ) to the rinse water :up

04-13-2004, 08:04 PM
Another question on washing the MF towels. Is it really necessary to wash the towels in cold water, or is just not washing them in hot water enough?

04-13-2004, 08:23 PM
wow excellent.......can`t wait to wash them MFs ahhahaa

Originally posted by tom p.

mentions that you can simply add the WV (white vinegar :eek: ) to your machine`s fabric softener dispenser. It will automatically add the WV ( :D ) to the rinse water :up

04-13-2004, 08:32 PM
Another question on washing the MF towels. Is it really necessary to wash the towels in cold water, or is just not washing them in hot water enough?

I think hot water is supposed to make them shrink or it will cause their shape to change a little bit.

The fabric softener dispenser is broken / works very poorly on my machine :(. I think I`m going to start running my microfibers through one cycle with Tide free and then put the towels in a bucket, swish them around a whole bunch with white vinegar and then put the towels in the washer for another cycle with no soap or anything. Does that sound good? or does the vinegar help to prevent other "contaminants" that are in the washing machine from getting on the microfiber towels?

04-13-2004, 08:45 PM
or you could just wait for the machine to get to the rinse cycle...then pour in some vinegar.....it`d be a whole lot less work

04-13-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Dinzdale40

or you could just wait for the machine to get to the rinse cycle...then pour in some vinegar.....it`d be a whole lot less work

I suppose so... I usually put them in the machine, then come here and start reading posts......... 2 hours later.... Oh yeah! I need to add that vinager. I could use a timer though.

04-13-2004, 08:53 PM
yea you`ll definitely need some sort of reminder.....autopia gets addicting.....but what can I say..i`m thoroughly addicted.....

04-13-2004, 09:10 PM
after the wash cycle completes and everything is done

set your machine just for a rinse cycle and add vinegar than no timers or anything required :dunno: