View Full Version : What will clean tires but not ruin wheels????

03-21-2004, 12:28 PM
Typically, most of our 3 cars get washed about once a week, and fully detailed every couple of months. When I wash, it is always necessary to do some pretty heavy tire cleaning (especially since two have whitewalls and the truck has white letters), and I`ve found that Mean Green (from the Dollar General....) and a tire scrub brush does an awesome job. One problem, though. It seems to also ruin the wheel finish, especially as seen in the cloudy haze all over my Cadillac`s wheels now.

It took me a couple of washes to figure out what was going wrong, but I eventually figured out that the Mean Green was most likely to blame. The wheels have gotten pretty bad a few times, though I did find that my PC and some #9 worked for a while gets rid of most of the white cloudiness, and they`re bad again today.

Because I think it`s the Mean Green, I searched to see what CMA had, and decided on Amazing Roll Off both to use on the tires and on the vinyl roofs, just because it looked like the only non-acidic one they had. Well, after ordering a gallon of the stuff (big mistake), I`ve come to realize that it is one heck of a worthless product for cleaning anything. Couldn`t get anything off the tires and didn`t even affect the vinyl roofs.

So, basically, my question is what can I use every week to clean the tires (and the wheels, somewhat, too) that won`t ruin the finish of the wheels? I know most people here probably do the same routine I do, but why am I having so many problems with hazing?

It just looks awful, but the tires are always spotless!

03-21-2004, 12:36 PM
The hazing was probably caused by leaving the cleaner on the wheel too long. You may want to switch to an APC that is milder than Simple Green or dilute SG.

03-21-2004, 12:40 PM
I already make sure it`s not on there too long, spray it off immediately and then wash the wheels with soap and water. I also try to dry those wheels off ASAP to make sure that doesn`t cause an issue either. I just can`t figure it out!

03-21-2004, 12:41 PM
I have had very good success with the Blackfire Tire and Wheel cleaner. BUT, I use it once every 4 washes, not every time. In between the Blackfire, I wash the tires and wheels with my car shampoo (currently NXT car wash).

Keep in mind, the wheels were first cleaned with AIO and that was followed up by 3 coats of SG. You might want to try the AIO/SG route, I think that would help!!

03-21-2004, 01:55 PM
Meguiars Citri Gel works great. It`s on their detailer line of products.

03-21-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by jgv

Meguiars Citri Gel works great. It`s on their detailer line of products.

Today I just try Citru Gel for the first time and it did not work very well. I mix it 2:1, maybe thats the reason?

03-21-2004, 04:21 PM
Maybe... You either mix it 1:1 or use it pure. I use 1:1 :xyxthumbs

03-21-2004, 04:44 PM
I use the Griots garage rubber cleaner and an oxo tire brush and it works great! You wouldnt believe all the orangey brown crap that comes off the tires... and it leaves them smooth and clean.

Never tried it on white lettering but I`d guess it woudl work pretty good.

Hasnt made a mark on my wheels one

03-21-2004, 07:17 PM
Well, all the wheels are coated with AIO and SG already....I just cannot keep them from hazing over, badly, after a couple of cleanings.

The wheels are always cool, I thoroughly wet with the hose, spray the Mean Green on the tires, scrub it with a brush, hose it off, and then wash the wheels with soap and water.

I`ve noticed this problem slightly on our now 2 year old Avalanche, but it is awful on my `93 Caddy Fleetwood. The rims were perfect (except for brake dust stains in the holes) when I bought it, but they just seem to like to haze over all the time. Today I fixed it 90% with my PC, yellow pad, and Menzerna IP (yep, the PC works well on big, flat wheels too!)

Any idea what Amazing Roll Off is good for? It doesn`t clean tires and it doesn`t clean vinyl roofs, both as advertised, so what is it good for?

03-21-2004, 08:35 PM
Your Mean Green or any strong cleaner will take off SG or AIO. Any degreaser or wheel cleaner will strip waxes or sealants from your wheels. Usually tires will clean up with a car wash soap and a stiff brush.

03-21-2004, 08:46 PM
I`m with BluHeaven on this. I use Griot`s Rubber Cleaner too, no problems. If you`re cleaning them THAT often, it oughta be strong enough.

Also, you can try cleaning the white parts with an abrasive block. It`s been a while since I`ve had to use one, but they used to work fine on raised white letters and whitewalls back in the day. Or try a mild brass brush. Keep those nasty-strong cleaners away from your nice wheels!

03-22-2004, 12:25 AM
I clean my tires with XXXX and have for years. If done per *RTFM* it does a great job but will bother non-cleared wheels if left on them. If by chance you *leave* it on and cause clouding on a non-cleared wheel a little Never-Dull will clean the haze.

If your current wheels are cleared .. then the cleaner your using is stronger than what I use.

I made a protective wheel cover and just held it up over the wheel and spray away. The crud runs off .. I use a brush .. then rinse.

If the car/wheels/tires are washed min. weekly you will find no need to clean the tires with strong cleaner but once a month or so.

XXXX = Flame Material

03-22-2004, 08:36 AM
I`ve used Mean Green before and "mean" isn`t the word for it. "Nasty," "Viscious," etc is more like it. This stuff is STRONG!!! You could try diluting it AT LEAST 50% or going with Simple Green which is much milder (even full strength).

Another idea would be to spray the cleaner on the brush instead of the tire, that would keep the amount of cleaner that gets on the wheel to a minimum.