View Full Version : Relative "dullness" of vinyl products?

03-21-2004, 10:08 AM
Ok, I`ve done a search & looked over the results, but I`m still a little confused :nixweiss

I don`t like shiny vinyl. The interiors I have to do on my own family`s cars are black, gray, & tan; this question pertains to the dashboards & vinyl trim dressing & protectant. I use the Woolite formula for cleaning.

Now, I realize that no one can look at my vinyl through my eyes & determine what I`ll like best. But, knowing that I want something that is in the dull to very satin shine range, how would you rate these products - which from my search seem to be the most popular non-gloss items (please add others if I`ve left something out) - in terms of shine:

PB Natural Look 303 1Z Cockpit Premium NXT Tech Protectant

I`m not adverse to trying all of them (& probably will), but as I`m really just geting into being an Autopian my budget is starting to strain, so I can use any advice.



Bill D
03-21-2004, 10:14 AM
I have a platinum colored interior and I`ve been using 303, I noticed hardly any shine on this light color.

I never used the other products.

03-21-2004, 11:56 AM
Have only tried 303 of what you have listed. It is fantastic, especially with the UV protection. Very little shine, does not seem to attract dust. It will darken some black vinyls if they have become lighter or `whiter` from age/sun.

03-21-2004, 01:30 PM
1Z--no shine at all. The greatest for matte finish but little UV protection.

303--very little shine if wiped afterwards with a dry mf. The greatest for protection and avoiding long-term cracking.

NXT--I can`t even approach a matte finish with this stuff--I would keep this stuff on your tires (even though it slings off).

I have not tried the PB. Probably would have, except I picked up the Einszett stuff first:D

tom p.
03-21-2004, 05:01 PM
I would add Vinylex to your considerations. It leaves a pleasant finish and is certainly not glossy.

Bill D
03-21-2004, 05:05 PM
Great thing about the PB, Vinylex and 303 is that they are availible in large sizes . I see you can get a 5 gallon pail of the PB Nautral Look :D

03-21-2004, 05:26 PM
One Grand, gives a very mild sheen, no gloss at all.

03-22-2004, 12:15 AM
Try Megs #40. Mild sheen and available in gallons.