View Full Version : Newbie here with some ??? A2Z,P21S

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03-21-2004, 05:14 AM
Hi everyone,I just join today and read a few review and seen like a lots of people on here really like the A2Z,this is non acid cleaner right?How did this compare to the P21S and Sonus(spelling)?Cause I have a 03 Maxima with Enkei RPM2 mess wheel,it`s really pain to clean it.So what your recommend me to get that doesn`t mess up the clear and CUT down the cleaning time?I want to wash and clean it,then put #20 or what`s the best way of doing it to keep it Sparkling CLEAN for a long time?Sorry if I ask too many ?.Thanx! :cool:


03-21-2004, 05:50 AM
im not sure if A2Z is an acid based wheel cleaner or not but if your wheels arent that dirty then plain old car shampoo and a soft tipped brush should work fine.if u havent applied anything to your rims before then use a cleaner and then a sealant like #20 that you mentioned should be fine.my experience has been that using a wax afterwards tends to attract dust so my best bet for you would be to jus use a sealant.jus remember to quick detail your rims after so that it will stay cleaner longer,not letting the brake dust and what not build up so much.hope this helps

03-21-2004, 07:30 AM
I`m not sure also if A2Z is an acid based cleaner (you would think I would look into that:o ), but I do know that if you want to cut your time down, A2Z is the way to go. Depending on how dirty your wheels are, you can just spray it on, let it sit for a couple minutes and then hose it off. I really only use it when I`m doing pretty dirty wheels that plain ol` QEW can`t clean.:up

03-21-2004, 08:55 AM
The current A2Z is not acidic. But it is a pretty aggressive wheel cleaner and the only one I`d recommend for "spray on-hose off" use.

Any powerful (i.e. acidic) wheel cleaner that is truly "spray on-hose off" is going to damage the wheel`s clearcoat eventually. With some of these cleaners all it takes is one application to permanently damage the wheel.

It is much safer to use a mild cleaner and a soft wheel brush. Yeah, it takes more work but there is no sense in cutting corners and risking damage. Any of the wheel cleaners mentioned will work fine. P21S is the mildest, A2Z is the strongest, Sonus Wheel Gel is in between.

03-21-2004, 09:09 AM
Man- I don`t envy you. I agree about putting a coat of wax on the wheels to make them easier to clean, but first you have to get all that crud off. A2Z is great stuff, but I would never put wheel cleaners on a dry wheel because you are at a higher risk of staining in the areas of the concentrated initial spray. Wet down the wheels, saturate the wheel and tire with A2Z and get in there with the right brushes. Once the wheel is spotless, I strongly recommend Protect All for clearcoated wheels. Very easy to use, dries clear and leaves a very slick surface. Once your wheels are protected, you should be able to clean them with soapy water and a wheel brush for a couple of months.

03-21-2004, 03:23 PM
I`m not sure if a2z is acidic, it doesn`t say on the label, but it is fairly harsh, just because of the effectiveness, my method is to take a half empty bottle of a2z and fill it the rest of the way with water to dillute it, it still works well, but is much safer for those of us who clean our wheels often, plus you get twice the amount for your money that way. Probably p21s is the safest, but I don`t think it works too good, plus it`s almost $20 with shipping.

just my advice.


03-21-2004, 10:54 PM
OK,so if I clean it well,and apply #20(this is a sealer right),do I still need any thing else?Or this should be fine.I am not too worry about the price here,just want to get the best stuff that work and doesn`t discolor the clear.So even after I apply the #20 and wax or what ever,how long will it last before second apply is need?:)

03-21-2004, 10:59 PM
I remember reading somewhere that someone have a comparasion about two products I think P21S and something,he apply it to the wheel for 15min ?? or something and then he hose it off and I remember he said that it was the best german made product for wheel.I like the idea of spray it on and hose it off,and he also show some of the brushes,anyone know what and who I`m talking about?:D

03-21-2004, 11:04 PM
Read this http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=8

03-21-2004, 11:04 PM
#20 has some fairly potent cleaners in addition to being a fairly durable sealant. I use #20 on the Jeep wheels and only have to reapply every 3-4 months. The key is keeping up with the dust. I QD the wheels when I QD the car--this 1) keeps the dust buildup low and 2) revives the slickness of the wheel surface.

If your wheels are clearcoated, I second the opinion of simply using car shampoo, a dedicated brush (or old toothbrush for small areas), and elbow grease. Whatever will not come off with the washing will be removed when you apply the #20 with a terry cloth or mf applicator. I still use A2Z on the tires occasionally for a deep clean.

03-21-2004, 11:18 PM
So any recommend for what type of brush will work best on this mess wheel?:up

03-21-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by andriver

Read this http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=8 Thanx andriver,I think I`ll read this whole article when i got home,cause I`m just using my bro computer to check my reply.:D

Steve @ Guru
03-21-2004, 11:23 PM
I`d suggest that you contact Enkei and ask them what type of cleaner is safe for your particular wheel. It would be better to err on the side of caution, especially as many aftermarket wheels can have sensitive finishes.

A2Z is a great cleaner, but it is fairly basic and can react with some types of wheel finishes, especially if the wheel is warm. Often, adding water to a cleaner can actually change the pH and/or make the cleaner more aggressive, so be careful if you try that route.

The thing with wheels is that they`re usually a pain to clean, and there`s no real short cut for cleaning them safely. I`d use a good, safe cleaner and a wash mitt to clean them. But check with Enkei first to make sure the cleaner you`re using won`t harm the finish.

Good luck with the dirty wheels... I have similar wheels on one of my cars and they are a pain to clean. :)

03-22-2004, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by andriver

Read this http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=8 Thanx andriver for this link,it realy answered alots of my question.But what and how`s the #20 and Klasse All in One work,are they the same product,do you know?Thanx!:D

03-22-2004, 07:49 AM
#20--a sealant with some cleaners

AIO--a cleaner with some sealant

Both are best applied with something that has "bite" like a terry or mf applicator. The #20 will last longer, but the AIO can be topped with its partner in crime, SG. This combo will last longer than the #20.

Originally posted by 96_vqmax

Thanx andriver for this link,it realy answered alots of my question.But what and how`s the #20 and Klasse All in One work,are they the same product,do you know?Thanx!:D