View Full Version : Would any detailers be intrested in this!

09-23-2004, 12:47 PM
As small one person companies I can understand how there are a lot of limited funds for advertising and it can be very difficult to get your name out! I was wondering what you guys would think about this idea.

For a fee of say $100.00 per year hypatheticly you could sign up with this service. Its a web based company that would advertise like no tommorow TV, Radio Ect. When a customer comes to the website and wants to pay a standard set amount (to be determined) They pay the company and you would in theory be a sub contrator for them and would get paid per detail. So all this company would be doing essentially is being an advertising firm.

I don`t know if it would work or if it has been tried...just a random thought!

The Fuzz
09-23-2004, 01:44 PM
The best advertising is word of mouth advertising. I didn`t have one comercial or radio ad or TV ad for Mullet wax and I sold out faster than I ever expected. If you are doing a quality job then you don`t have to pay for advertising. Most detailers I know have an ad in the paper and business cards. Some spend a little bit to get a big ad in the yellow pages, but that is about it. I have never seen a detailing commercial on the TV or heard one on the radio. That just isn`t how most detailers advertise. Good idea though. Figure out a way to make it into something that fits how detailers actually advertise and you might be on to something.

09-23-2004, 07:05 PM
I deal with a couple companies that function just like that at work. I work at a small auto glass repair and replacement shop. They pay us (the shop) a set labor rate and a set amount for urethane kits. It`s kind of a pain to deal with them, because we get paid X amount for labor no matter what kind of car it is. Luckily we got a pretty good deal out of it, or we wouldnt do it. I dont think it would work for detailers. It`s hard to set a rate for a complete detail in stone. I mean, you could get a pristine garage queen with super low miles and no swirls (costing you very little as far as supplies go)......OR....you could get a car that has a trillion miles, paint is oxidized beyond belief and you have to spend 3 weeks getting the swirls off the hood, and drinks all your product up (keep in mind these two vehicles could be the same model year!! I`ve seen some Atlantans rack up some SERIOUS mileage). The detailer is going to get pissed if he is getting $100 to do the garage queen in 4 hours and then spends 12 hours on the ````box for that same $100. It works a little better with windshields. With windshields, I can look at the book hour and decide if I am being compensated accordingly, and accept or reject the job. With detailing, like I said, you never know what you`re getting into before you see the car. I`m not a pro detailer (and really dont have any idea how they price themselves), just thought I would throw in my $1.50.