View Full Version : SMR, AIO then SG...on black=haze?

03-17-2004, 06:28 PM
I switched from Zaino to Klasse. I now understand the candy wrapper shine that Zaino produces. The Klasse was a relatively simple system to apply. First I wiped the car down with PrepSol. Then I used the PC with a yellow pad for the SMR. Next I used the PC with a white pad to apply the AIO. Finally I applied SG with a MF pad by hand and buffed with a MF towel using the WOO method. The shine is deep and very slick. I waited 48 hours and applied the 2nd coat of SG. The shine is deep, but it just seems to have a haze to it. Is it because the car is black? The Zaino was so "clear." I`ve searched the forum and found a lot on hazing, but that seems to relate to the removal process. Mine removed easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

03-17-2004, 06:40 PM
Hmm, the first thing is to determine the actual nature of this "hazing".

Did it only show up after the second coat of SG?

I can think of three possibilities: There`s a "SG haze" where the SG is the culprit, it`s like it never fully dried..the problem is IN the SG. You can often tell by rubbing it with your finger and seeing if the hazing follows your motions. Then there`s the "marred paint" haze, where the problem is UNDER the SG (you somehow scratched/swirled the paint). And finally, sometimes you can get some micromarring in the SG itself (it took the hit instead of your paint). If you`re lucky, you got the first or last of the three, maybe because you put the SG on a bit thick or something like that. See what it looks like after the next time you wash the car.

03-17-2004, 06:54 PM
The haze showed up with the first application of SG. The AIO left me with a great shine and very clear. I applied the SG very thinly. I used a drop on a saturated pad per 2x2 square of surface.

Frank F.
03-17-2004, 07:40 PM
I had this same problem with the third or fourth coat of SG about a month ago. The next day I went over the car with Sonus Acrylic spritz on an MF cloth. I then polished it out with a dry MF cloth. The beautiful shine came back. Now I routinely thin the SG with Sonus Acrylic spritz as I apply. This seems to have solved the problem for me.

03-17-2004, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by mariola

I switched from Zaino to Klasse. I now understand the candy wrapper shine that Zaino produces. The Klasse was a relatively simple system to apply. First I wiped the car down with PrepSol. Then I used the PC with a yellow pad for the SMR. Next I used the PC with a white pad to apply the AIO. Finally I applied SG with a MF pad by hand and buffed with a MF towel using the WOO method. The shine is deep and very slick. I waited 48 hours and applied the 2nd coat of SG. The shine is deep, but it just seems to have a haze to it. Is it because the car is black? The Zaino was so "clear." I`ve searched the forum and found a lot on hazing, but that seems to relate to the removal process. Mine removed easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This haze sounds familiar to the one I usually get after applying AIO on it`s own or followed up by SG. In my case the haze usually clears up on it`s own after a day. I attribute it to the product curing. In your situation the product may not be fully cured. This all depends on various environmental factors. I`d give it week and then see if the haze is still there. Wash the car 1 week after the last coat of SG was applied and see if that helps out. It should.


03-18-2004, 06:26 AM
I`m with FrankF. SONUS is a great companion for the K twins

03-18-2004, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Frank F.

I had this same problem with the third or fourth coat of SG about a month ago. The next day I went over the car with Sonus Acrylic spritz on an MF cloth. I then polished it out with a dry MF cloth. The beautiful shine came back. Now I routinely thin the SG with Sonus Acrylic spritz as I apply. This seems to have solved the problem for me.

What method did you use to apply the SG?

I assume WOO = Wipe On, Off? No wait time. WOWO = Wipe On, Wait, Off? (sorry, noob here).

I used WOWO on a black car, had the same problem. Using Sonus immediately did not help. After the car was parked outside overnight, I washed, dried, then used some Sonus to polish the haze out.

I think the problem was too much SG or not enough wait time.

03-18-2004, 07:52 AM
I`ve had the same problem on my black Benz, but the odd thing is that it only appears under certain light conditions.

I`ve used Sonus, I`ve washed the car, and the appearance doesn`t seem to change. With the sun very low in the sky (right at dawn or dusk), the paint appears to have a slight haze. BUT, when I look at the car in the midday sun, I don`t see the haze. I know it sounds odd, but that`s the way it is.

I`m willing to live with it, as it looks great 99% of the time. I wonder if topping it with a carnuba will alter the affect, but I don`t want to give up the ability to hit it with another coat of SG when I want.