View Full Version : Waiting for 1Z products is killing me!

03-16-2004, 01:19 PM
I had to talk about this hear, as none of my buddies can truly appreciate my angony like you all can! ;) I`m waiting for my Autopia shipment to come in, which consists of 1Z MP, PP, and a few PC pads. I also just received my EX-P from Steve at Poorboy`s, so needless to say I am ready to get the car in shape. I plan on hitting up the minor areas with a little MP, the areas in need of more help with some PP, and then topping it with EX-P. I might even toy around with trying to layer some SG in with the EX-P. I might as well. Steve feels like the EX-P will work well with most prodcuts, so I am happy to hear this. Maybe someone might even try it with some Zaino?? ;) Well, I just wanted to share my excitement. Thanks for listening! :)


03-16-2004, 01:28 PM

I understand your inpatience at the moment, but never fear, you`ll have your 1Z in a couple of days. David ships super fast! Just breathe deeply and visualize how great your car is going to look. :spot

Have fun and enjoy the 1Z, you`re going to love it.

03-16-2004, 01:29 PM
Thanks Mac! I have to agree, David is AWESOME to deal with....I look forward to using more 1Z products VERY soon!


03-16-2004, 03:36 PM
Would a pic make you happy until they come?

03-16-2004, 03:47 PM
That`s a WHOLE lot of products....I suppose you are a big fan? ;) Thanks, it made me feel good...but also bad because I see all of the things I STILL need to buy! :)
