View Full Version : DACP Characteristics?

03-14-2004, 01:53 AM
Searched and could not come up with anything.

Maybe I am doing this wrong, but I have a question. Upon using some DACP with a Lake Country Yellow Pad with a PC 7424 on 3.5 I was getting minor hazing after working the product until dry and using an MF to buff it out. Is that normal? Furthermore, what are some good things you can lay atop DACP? After using the DACP and adding some Megs SFP #82(same method of application as DACP) to it, I was getting even more hazing. Is this normal? I freaked out and used Klasse AIO and that effectively took out all the hazing.

Is there something I am doing wrong? I would like to lay another polish atop the DACP but I don`t think I have anything that will go amicably with it, or maybe I`m doing something wrong. Help a n00b out. Thanks.

One more question, is there anything similar to DACP in cutting strength but easier to use or am I just messing up?

03-14-2004, 12:08 PM
I get hazing to when I use DACP with a cutting pad. Try following up with a polishing pad.

03-14-2004, 12:14 PM
maharaja and stevet,

When I use DACP and a cutting pad with my PC, I will work it in on #4 for several passes, about 1-2 min. After I see that the product is breaking down, I turn the PC to #6 and finish until almost all the DACP is gone. So far, I have not had any hazing unless I am working on a dark colored car. I always use something like Swirl Free, Hand Polish, Vanilla Moose or P21S Shine Enhance Paint Cleaner to bring up the luster and shine to the paint, using the same above method and a polishing pad. Give this a try, it works for me.


03-14-2004, 12:51 PM
Thanks, I guess I will try that on the next car in the garage hopefully all will come out well.

03-14-2004, 02:45 PM
what IS DACP...man, you detailing nuts are worse with your acronyms than computer nerds! hehe ...someone should put a glossery here at Autopia.

03-14-2004, 03:05 PM
I had the same problem this Friday on my first try using a PC. I was using 1Z and I guess I didn`t break it down long enough so it left a HAZE. I thought I completely screwed it up until I buffed out the panel a while longer.

lairdness, ask and you shall recieve. :p


DACP = Meguiar`s #83 Dual Action Cleaner/Polish, See Meguiar`s


03-14-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by BlueDragonZ

I had the same problem this Friday on my first try using a PC. I was using 1Z and I guess I didn`t break it down long enough so it left a HAZE. I thought I completely screwed it up until I buffed out the panel a while longer.

lairdness, ask and you shall recieve. :p


DACP = Meguiar`s #83 Dual Action Cleaner/Polish, See Meguiar`s

http://www.autopia.org/display.php?file=acronyms.htm ]

Cool Thanks!...If I ask for a hot brunette to detail my car for me do you think I`ll get that too :D

I never thought to look for acronyms under "acronyms"...typical noob hehe

03-15-2004, 07:09 AM
Yep, that one bites most noobs in the butt. I did exactly as you did when I signed on.

03-16-2004, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Gonzo

Yep, that one bites most noobs in the butt. I did exactly as you did when I signed on.

the thing is you guys will make up new ones as you go...then us noobs are totaly foobar....hey all you detailer types! take it easy or I`ll start spouting PPP and TCPIP and PPTP and HKey_Local_Machine at you hehe....concider yourselves warned!

*big grin*

03-16-2004, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by AMP01

maharaja and stevet,

When I use DACP and a cutting pad with my PC, I will work .....Give this a try, it works for me.


These are the kind of posts I really appreciate. Thanks.:up

03-16-2004, 09:10 AM
lairdness, did you do your TPS report yet? Did you get the memo about the cover sheet? :D

Do what I did when I was a noob noob instead of a perpetual noob like I am now; make up your own acronyms. I asked a question about Mother`s California Gold Natural Formula Carnuba Paste Wax, or MCGNFPW, and no one knew what I was talking about....


03-16-2004, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Mosca

lairdness, did you do your TPS report yet?


:rofl :lol

03-16-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Mosca

lairdness, did you do your TPS report yet? Did you get the memo about the cover sheet? :D

Do what I did when I was a noob noob instead of a perpetual noob like I am now; make up your own acronyms. I asked a question about Mother`s California Gold Natural Formula Carnuba Paste Wax, or MCGNFPW, and no one knew what I was talking about....


LMAO not to mention the obligatory 15 pieces of flair hehe

LOL I like the Make Up Your Own Acronyms Idea too...MUYOAI...soungs good right....I was gonna try some Meg`s Muyoai........hehehe