View Full Version : Wash Mix Concentration

03-13-2004, 07:06 PM
Ok, on my bottles of Eagle 1, Zymol, and Crystal wash they all specify 1 oz/gal. I usually use 2 gal/car. Does everyone here use the recommended 1oz/gal or would .5oz/gal be OK? Washing w/ 2oz/wash is really making my wash supplies go quick!

03-13-2004, 07:09 PM
I use .5oz if my car is not that dirty. Otherwise, if the car is filthy, I will use 1oz.

03-13-2004, 07:45 PM
I think I use about 3 oz everytime I wash my MDX. I know I know, it`s too much but I always feel that it`ll clean better if I have more suds. I use EO wet.

03-13-2004, 08:43 PM
I use 6 gallon bucket and use 5 oz. of wash solution.

03-13-2004, 09:40 PM
I`d suggest you follow the manufacturer`s directions. Using too much soap concentrate can leave a film on the paint surface.

03-13-2004, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by forrest

I`d suggest you follow the manufacturer`s directions. Using too much soap concentrate can leave a film on the paint surface.

That would be fine if all car wash soaps stayed sudsy when used as directed. Some don`t, so I use more than they recommend.....then never buy them again! :p

03-15-2004, 10:40 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

A car wash concentrate that has a lot of suds is not an indication of how well it works (but it has a good marketing effect) water sometimes contains high levels of calcium, iron, magnesium and other minerals that interfere with the cleaning ability of soaps (and as a secondary effect it’s ability to produce suds) as the cleaning agents react to the minerals trying to clean them, thereby diluting the soaps cleaning ability. Chemists add another agent (chelating) to bind the minerals thus allowing the soap to concentrate on the soil.

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/

justadumbarchitect * so i question everything*