View Full Version : would this work?

03-11-2004, 08:17 PM

I have a 5 year old red car which has seen a numerous car washes at the gas station and hasn`t really been taken care of too well since last year.

There are a number light and deeper scratches, as well as swirl marks.

I`m thinking of getting a PC and think this would be a good car to get started on.

Would the below method/products work for removing the light scratches and swirl marks?

Any other recommendations welcome:

1. Dawn Wash

2. DACP w/ yellow pad @ 4-5

3. Mothers Reflections Polish w/ yellow pad @ 4, wipe off with MF

4. Mothers Sealer/Glaze w/ white pad @ 4, wipe off with MF

5. Wax by hand, wipe off with MF



03-12-2004, 06:09 PM

I really don`t use those products, however it sounds like you`ve got everything you need and in the right order. Your method and products should greatly enhance the appearance of your car.

Thanks for posting.

03-12-2004, 06:20 PM
I`d throw a claybar session in there between 1 and 2. And another wash after clay (just my style, some will wipe it down without a wash).

What kind of pads are they ? Is the white pad a polishing or finishing pad ? I`d go with a finishing pad for the Sealer/glaze.

03-13-2004, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by MaxTO

3. Mothers Reflections Polish w/ yellow pad @ 4, wipe off with MF

4. Mothers Sealer/Glaze w/ white pad @ 4, wipe off with MF There`s a little problem with this. Mothers Reflections isn`t a "polish", it`s actually a resin-based sealant product with some mild cleaners. If you try to apply that and then the Sealer and Glaze, the glaze will probably remove the Reflections product.

I think you should modify this to:

a) Reflections only replacing waxing.

b) Reflections topped with a paste wax.

c) Sealer and Glaze, and then wax.

The glaze should probably be applied with a finishing pad, as said already.

Also, since you`re just starting off with PC usage I recommend trying out a gentler method first, like DACP with a polishing pad instead of the cutting. Try this on a section first and then judge your results to see if you have it right or if you should step up to the cutting pad. It`s surprisingly effective. (Also, if you have to use the cutting pad you may want to have some swirl remover type product on hand to clean up any hazing this may leave.) This assumes the damage is as bad as you say it is, because one general rule that is a good idea to follow is to try the gentlest method that you think will work first if you are unsure, and then step up to a more aggressive method if that doesn`t produce results.

Good luck!