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03-11-2004, 08:08 AM
After my recent thread about the car being vandalised on Friday (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33904) I was woken up this morning by a neighbour who said my car had been damaged again.

Every single panel has been damaged by paint stripper. This will mean I lose my car. The insurance company will right it off and so I will lose my nice Alfa.

The police said they will question the suspect but unless he admits to it, no further action will be taken.

The other downside is that this man knows where I live. Still to shocked to think clearly about this.

03-11-2004, 08:12 AM
Wow, this person must really have it in for you!

I`m so sorry to hear about your loss. :( :(

03-11-2004, 08:16 AM
Wow, that is really bad. I hope whoever did this gets caught. It is a shame that people have to damage other people`s property because of their own issues. :mad:

03-11-2004, 08:19 AM
Really sorry to hear about this. This definitely makes it personal and really points the finger. The keying could have been random - is it known at work that you are into detailing? Or was the car being the target an unhappy coincidence?

03-11-2004, 08:22 AM
Jesus, and you know he is not gonna admit to it....thought about beefing up your home/personal security?

03-11-2004, 08:32 AM
This guy seems mad enough to try anything, be careful with your personal security, your car can be replaced, you can`t

tom p.
03-11-2004, 08:35 AM

03-11-2004, 08:39 AM
Quote: Aghhhh paint stripper on my car

~One man’s opinion / observations ~

I’m sorry to hear this about the Alpha, as others have suggested be cautious these may be random acts, but take extra precautions anyway

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/

justadumbarchitect * so i question everything*

03-11-2004, 08:45 AM

Stab Proof vests, batons, personal security spray, i`ve used this site, very good.


Used this site as well, you can get anything from brass knuckles, to stun guns, and pepper spray.

I`d suggest keeping a lil extra muscle on you just in case you get approached

03-11-2004, 08:49 AM
In terms of my and my families safety, my employers are going to install some CCTV cameras and a secure emergency telephone system with a `panic button`. They have also said I will not attend this guys appeal hearing, against his dismissal, on the grounds of safety.

I wish the incidents were random but the other 2 managers have also had their cars damaged but I seem to be the focus of the most hatred. The reasons are not really clear but he is a very bitter man.

03-11-2004, 08:57 AM

This is truly dreadful mate and I really hope things get better for you and that the loser who did this gets what he deserves. I can only second what everyone else has said so far, particularly Jim. Autopian or not, cars can be replaced.

I guess the only thing you can take some comfort from is that big and nasty as this chap is, he hasn`t got the balls to approach you personally.

You take care of you & your family.

03-11-2004, 09:18 AM
Oh my god, missed your other thread, what a nightmare, hope it gets sorted soon. Look after yourself.

03-11-2004, 09:23 AM
Can you get a motion activated camera directed at your car to record whoever comes near it when parked? Ought to be "iron clad" in court.....

03-11-2004, 09:24 AM
Steven, I`m shocked and saddened to find that this has escalated further and that you now stand to lose your car.

It is good to know though that your employers are taking this very seriously and are doing all they can to now ensure your own safety. Would they consider installing cameras inside your car to see who is doing this??

I hope things get better for yourself very soon.

03-11-2004, 09:28 AM
What an idiot this bloke seems to be. Not only did he vandalise your car once, but he came back for seconds... It`ll only be a matter of time before he gets caught red handed IMO.

Make sure you get those cameras fitted in a discreet place where he won`t be able to see them - you`ll be sure to catch him if he doesn`t realise he`s being watched.

I had some knuckle head break into a BMW 318i that I used to own. I was woken at 4.00am by a police officer at my door telling me of the bad news. The low-life completely removed my windscreen in one piece and left it on my front garden and proceded to steal my brand-new stereo that I had only just fitted the previous day! I just felt physically sick when I walked out saw it with my own eyes.

What I`m trying to say is that I sorta know how you`re feeling.

Failing the extra security measures - all you other UK Autopians, how do you all fancy a ruck with a muscle-bound steriod user? I`m up for it!