View Full Version : Wax advise

03-10-2004, 06:16 PM
Hi there,

I need some advise on wax/sealent.

I have always autoglym SR, and their extra gloss for some years, with pretty good results,

But I now what the "WOW" factor.

I`m stuck between whether to go for a carnuba wax or a glaze such as klasse, one other stumbling block is that I live in Northen Ireland, and most of the products I`ve seen mentioned on this forum will not be availible here,

Any commets/advise will be greatly Appreciated.

Thanks in advance


03-10-2004, 06:37 PM
If you want the "WOW" look, go for both. Get the forum favorite kit from autogeek. It comes with the klasse AIO and SG. Souveran and crystal mist(very important step) Get you a claybar also and I promise you, you will "WOW" them and yourself... BTW what color is your car? :xyxthumbs

03-10-2004, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the reply, the colour is BMW Steel Blue.

03-10-2004, 09:02 PM
PK1- I dunno if switching to Klasse is gonna impress you much. I use both Autoglym and Klasse, and *I* don`t think that`ll give you what you`re after.

Assuming your prep work is good, *I* would find a good wax topper for the SR/EG combo you`re using now (which is NOT bad stuff, BTW).

03-11-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by PK1

I`m stuck between whether to go for a carnuba wax or a glaze

You could get good results using your favorite carnauba wax that is available in Northern Ireland.

03-11-2004, 01:11 PM
PK, I agree with Mirro...I think you could get great results with the Autoglym......Work on your prep work maybe ?

03-11-2004, 04:04 PM
Thanks for the replys, so klasse isn`t all its cracked up to be....,..

As far as prep goes I have now tried and switched to meguiars.

I`ve used their Quick clay (I was amazed how well this stuff actually works) After that I used Clear coat body scrub, then a quick coat of Gold class wax (by the way, what are your thoughts on Gold class?)

Then someone decided it would be a good idea to key my drivers door, so i`ll have to wait a month or so to apply another layer of wax,as I just picked picked it up from bodyshop yesterday.

Can gold class be applied over extra gloss protection?, or will I be wasting my time to to the polish/cleaner`s contained in the wax?

I want to put a durable sealant on, then wax for a deep shine.

Ps, forgive me, I`m a newbie :)


03-11-2004, 06:01 PM
PK1- First, don`t put ANY of these products on your freshly painted door, it`ll mess with the paint`s curing. Get something like Meg`s #80 or #81 or 3M Imperial Hand Glaze to use for the first month or so.

The GC will probably compromise the EG due to the cleaners in the GC. *I* think that GC is a short-lived product that looks OK for a little while. I`d rather have the SRP/EG myself, with some straight wax like Meg`s #16 or maybe Blitz (but watch Blitz on trim) for a topper. That will give you the longevity of a sealant and the look of a carnauba.

03-11-2004, 06:36 PM
Thanks for you comments Accumlator:

maybe I`m just getting bored with the Autoglym combo, and thought a change would would be good,

I prep`d and waxed the car mid Feb, and the GC seems to be holding up pretty well, tight waters beads etc.

But as always ya think there`s something better out there, ya just havn`t tried it yet...lol

Thanks for your input everyone.