View Full Version : Blackfire and NXT

03-10-2004, 12:15 PM
I was inspired to write this as I got to my car this morning and found the best beading I`ve seen in a couple months.

For the past 2 months I`ve been using NXT on my car. Like many others, I was initially very excited to use the product and ordered it through Meguiars with the free shipping. I preped the paint and was/am very impressed with the ease of application and look of NXT. By the end of February I had 3 applications of NXT on my car.

After each application I was happy with the look of NXT, but after a couple of weeks the shine and beading were just not there. I understand the arguments re: beading not equaling protection, but it unnerves me to see the haphazard and uneven look of a car that does not bead. My conclusion was that NXT was easy to apply, with stunning looks, but lacked in the durability department.

My conclusion is based on the past use of BF2, and #26. In anycase, this past weekend I switched back to BF2 after a full paint prep. The beading I saw this morning was much better than I had seen in the last 2 months, and if history repeats itself, will last months longer than NXT. The final straw, was driving to work this morning. There`s a section of road where I hit about 40mph. With BF2, all the water rolls off my car in seconds, with NXT my car was still wet when I got to work. I know it`s not scientific, or empirical, but it`s enough for me to choose BF2 for my car.

I think for me, the more complicated application and longer cure time for BF2 is well worth the durability I gain from using it.


03-10-2004, 01:12 PM
Many people are reporting same problems you are. I would stick with BF2 for now. NXT does have a great look to it, and is beyond easy to apply, just doesn`t offer a lot of protection. Seems to be mostly for weekend cars that never see rain or snow.



03-10-2004, 04:11 PM
I have gotten similar results. I have been watching NXT on 6 different cars. NXT looks pretty damn good on everything Ive applied on. Especially the next day.

I noticed that some cars looked like they didnt have any protection on them at all, after only 2 weeks. Shine, slickness and beading disappearing quickly, while others still looked pretty good in the same environment and time frame.

I started to realize a trend. NXT seems to last much longer on light colors and diminishes rapidly on dark colors. This observation was made in Jan.- Mar. My theory is that NXT is intollerable to heat since dark colors are retaining heat in the sun.

I have a suspicion that as summer approaches, even the light colors will only give very short term protection with NXT as it gets hotter here in Florida

03-10-2004, 05:45 PM
Your theory is supported by my experiences. Although I have a chrome silver car, I live in Hawaii, where the average temp is between 70 and 80 degrees. This very well may be the reason NXT doesn`t last very long for me.

Corey Bit Spank
03-10-2004, 06:28 PM
:) The beading of BF2 is very impressive. And it lasts...months from what I can tell. NXT`s beading is lack luster from the beginning.

03-10-2004, 09:36 PM
I applied BF2 to my black Dodge Hemi four months ago. Because the weather has been so lousy I haven`t been able to really do a good job on the truck during all this time. It has received coin-op washes follwed by BF QD. It`s still lookin` good and beads water nicely. There is minimal marring. I have a bottle of NXT on the shelf just waiting to be tried. Maybe next month. :D

Tom :cool: