View Full Version : permanent marker on a headliner

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09-21-2004, 12:36 PM
Customer has a light great headliner with some black permanet maker on it. I wil be looking at this one tonight. Was thinking of APC with a white cotton towel or maybe some rubbing achcol.

What are your ideas on this one? I`m also thinking that its going to have to be recolored

09-21-2004, 12:45 PM
Hey Beem....

Never tried APC on a permanent marker stain but it seems to work on many other ink based stains.

Good Luck...

09-21-2004, 12:53 PM

Me to I`ev removed old ink pen this way but ink unlike makers seems more lilke it would die the material. Wish at times that I have an old junker that I could use for these reasons

09-21-2004, 03:52 PM
maybe goof gone or goof off might get it out . Try using a q-tip for pin point cleaning of the area with the marker. Test a corner to make sure it doesn`t change to color. Perhaps it my lighten the black enough to blend in , wishful thinkin huh :lmfao Good luck

09-21-2004, 03:55 PM
Go Gone is oil based and that would stain the headlines is my guess. On hard plastic I could see using that

01-24-2009, 10:28 PM
Use some real cheap Hair Spray on a very low plush cut MF towel with just your finger pointed on the other side to minimize area. Watch for streaking if it starts to streak and bring it out it`s working. Use warm water and a plusher MF towel or cotton towel in between t otake off excess Hair Spray. You may need to repeat this like 7 to 10 times to minimize stain completely.

01-24-2009, 10:51 PM
Use some real cheap Hair Spray on a very low plush cut MF towel with just your finger pointed on the other side to minimize area. Watch for streaking if it starts to streak and bring it out it`s working. Use warm water and a plusher MF towel or cotton towel in between t otake off excess Hair Spray. You may need to repeat this like 7 to 10 times to minimize stain completely.

that`s what i would try, but usually with ink not permanent marker ... it`s worth a try but I`m thinking they put the word permanent on the marker for a reason :notme:

01-24-2009, 11:03 PM
use some real cheap hair spray on a very low plush cut mf towel with just your finger pointed on the other side to minimize area. Watch for streaking if it starts to streak and bring it out it`s working. Use warm water and a plusher mf towel or cotton towel in between t otake off excess hair spray. You may need to repeat this like 7 to 10 times to minimize stain completely.


01-24-2009, 11:08 PM

I posted this back in 2004....thanks for the help...best thing I can`t even recall what I did now:rofl

01-25-2009, 01:26 AM
Wow, holy random resurrection. I`ve used Brakleen successfully on many seemingly impossible stains. Not sure if it would work for this though...even though this advice is almost 5 years too late. :inspector:

02-26-2009, 10:32 PM
although this post may b 5years old it still may help someone n the future.the clone has been using hairspray for years (not just on my lovely loks) but on several stains i have run across over the years. :cool:

02-26-2009, 10:58 PM
although this post may b 5years old it still may help someone n the future.the clone has been using hairspray for years (not just on my lovely loks) but on several stains i have run across over the years. :cool:And it may very well work for you and others, but it doesn`t work for me.
I have tried hair spray quite a few times on different stains, usually ink or marker, and have yet to have it do a thing with any of them on any surface.

Mr. Clean
02-26-2009, 11:07 PM
And it may very well work for you and others, but it doesn`t work for me.
I have tried hair spray quite a few times on different stains, usually ink or marker, and have yet to have it do a thing with any of them on any surface.

Charles, maybe you don`t have the right kind of loks. ;)

02-26-2009, 11:45 PM
Charles, maybe you don`t have the right kind of loks. ;)

tha clone thanks u MR.CLEAN;:cool::dcrules

02-27-2009, 09:28 AM
Charles, maybe you don`t have the right kind of loks. ;)

Nether does THE T-Mac :D