View Full Version : wax help

09-21-2004, 10:06 AM
hey guys, as you know i`m just getting into all this stuff.. man there is alot more products than I ever knew.. Anyway I have a black truck and this is how I wax it.. put a liquid wax on the little round foam pad and then apply it to the hood,back, and rear 1/4 panels.. let it dry for around 15 minutes (after the whole thing is down so maybe 30 for the first panel?) then I use a few 100 cotton towels to buff off the wax.. everything came out ok but the hood.. there were alot of ...streaks from the wax.. I could even see the little round lines I went in when adding the wax with the pad.. its kinda hard to explain I din`t take any pics.. anyone have a better way for me to wax this beast.. my arms were killing me.. can you use one of those PC random buffers? I would not feel safe with a rotary.

09-21-2004, 10:09 AM
Yes, definitely get you a PC. An arm and time saver!! What kind of wax did you use? That may have something to do with it leaving streaks and being hard to get off. Did you do it in the sun, late afternoon or early morning? Sometimes when I use Quik Detailer I get streaks if it is early morning or late afternoon due to humidity or temps I suppose.

09-21-2004, 10:22 AM
I used a black magic liquid wax, and it was late afternoon it is getting dark here around 8 so it was about 7 or soo. did my white truck first came out great.. I hate black.. :)

thanks for the info!

oh.. and next time want to use the meg #9 swirl remover.. I just put some on the PC and goto town? or does it go on like a wax.. apply then buff off?