View Full Version : Anyone else think paste wax is hard to remove?

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09-20-2004, 10:28 PM
Not really hard to remove just more difficult than liquid LSP`s.

I have tried S100 and Natty`s. Natty`s is easier to remove but I still end up scrubbing the paint to remove it, this takes about 2x as long as a liquid to remove. Liquids just wipe off like dust, carnauba`s stick to the paint like glue for the first wipe or two.

I have tried to put on Natty`s so thin you cannot hardly see it (like EXP) and I only let it sit about 10 minutes (this is all done on a cool car)

I just wonder if anyone else shares my feelings...everyone always says how easy carnauba`s are to remove...:dunno

09-20-2004, 10:33 PM
I think the main reason is that you can spread a liquid around more so that the layer is thinner. That seems to be my experience anyway. A paste wax usually goes on relatively thick compared to when I am using Liquid Souveran. I can wax both fenders and most of the hood with one application of LS to my PC pad. The fact that I can spread it out that far is nice as well as the fact that it buffs off so easily. I only wish S100 came in a liquid form as well....

09-20-2004, 10:47 PM
I`m currently using Pinnacle Signature and it comes right off...of course it is a WOWO product, but it removes as easily as anything I`ve tried.

09-20-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by wifehatescar
Not really hard to remove just more difficult than liquid LSP`s.

I have tried S100 and Natty`s. Natty`s is easier to remove but I still end up scrubbing the paint to remove it, this takes about 2x as long as a liquid to remove. Liquids just wipe off like dust, carnauba`s stick to the paint like glue for the first wipe or two.

I have tried to put on Natty`s so thin you cannot hardly see it (like EXP) and I only let it sit about 10 minutes (this is all done on a cool car)

I just wonder if anyone else shares my feelings...everyone always says how easy carnauba`s are to remove...:dunno

Hmmm? S100 has been extremely easy to remove for me. I`ve used Meguiars #20 and #26 (liquid) and have used EXP a little but the S100 has been by far the easiest to remove. The others weren`t far behinfd though.:)

09-21-2004, 12:06 AM
Just like mtodde, I like to use the wowo method the best. P21S, S100, PS, all can be applied using wowo. I would recommend trying this way instead, definitely easier. Another approach would be to put a terry bonnet over a foam pad and use the pc to remove it.

09-21-2004, 12:47 AM
The key with paste is applying very thin. When removing I hardly feel any "grabbing" and thats after I`ve done the whole vehicle and its had a chance to haze. Generally apply #16 to half a normal size vehicle without having to "reload." Look into spit shinning, tried that today and it worked well...

09-21-2004, 07:40 AM
Easy to remove waxes:

1. S100
2. P21S
3. Pinnacle Paste Glaz
4. Pinnacle Souveran

The key is to remove them before they completely haze and harden. The boutique waxes are designed this way.

To me, paste does a better job than the equivalent liquid so the extra step (if there is one these days) of using paste wax is well worth it.

09-21-2004, 08:02 AM
wowo is definately easier as it is still wet. Natty`s directions say to let it haze though so I`m not sure if it matters. I don`t really feel like I can apply it any thinner either:dunno I apply it more thinly than sealants and they do not grab my MF at all during removal. O well, guess I`m a sealant type of guy :)

09-21-2004, 08:09 AM
You should wait longer for Natty`s as it needs to set-up so it can last longer...10 minutes is not long enough..if you do the whole car , get a drink, and then come back, it will wipe off much easier..it is NOT a wowo product.

09-21-2004, 08:23 AM
Good to know, thanks. After 10 minutes it was hazed but I`ll try waiting longer next time (maybe 30 minutes?) to see if that helps.

09-21-2004, 08:35 AM
Dang, I use S100 (P21S) and Natty`s all the time and I swear this stuff comes off just by looking at it wrong. LOL You should try Griot`s Best of Show Wax for a liquid that is a pain to come off. It is the reason I went to paste! LOL

09-21-2004, 08:57 AM
Just because it comes off really easily doesn`t mean that the appearance won`t benefit by waiting a bit longer. ;) UPP comes off right after you put it on, but it looks better if you let it sit for 45 minutes.

09-21-2004, 09:12 AM
I have tried to put on Natty`s so thin you cannot hardly see it (like EXP) and I only let it sit about 10 minutes (this is all done on a cool car)

I think that you are letting it dry on the car to long. The paste wax that I have says to let dry a few minutes. I do a panel at a time. I do agree that you really have to watch to make sure that you are getting every thing off but its not that hard

09-21-2004, 09:30 AM
Well PB Steve just said you have to let it sit for a bit so I`m going to take that as "THE way" to apply/remove it.

09-21-2004, 10:40 AM
Is there a benefit to past wax?