View Full Version : SOFT99 Water Block Wax.. some problems

03-05-2004, 11:14 PM
I managed to get hold of some Soft99 Water Block Wax. it was specifically for dark colour cars ( my car is black). I know only a few of you guys have tried this brand.. i know "theveed" goes nuts with this stuff so I couldnt wait to apply it and test it out.

My existing surface has a coat of autoglym extra gloss protection. The paint is not blemised and has minimal bumps on it.

I applied the soft99 wax on the bonnet and side fenders only, it feels smooth under the applicator. Application was a little difficult, very hard to get a smooth even coat on. I let haze 30-40mins and then buffed off. It buffed off ok, not as easy as i am used to. As i was buffing i noticed that it was smearing a LOT. I changed cloths and try to smooth out the smearing but i couldnt.. maybe this could be a conflict with the autoglym???..

I left it like this for a week. I have to say, the beading after a week of aussie sun and rain is AMAZING. it has the highest sitting beads i have ever seen. Besides the smearing, it really looks like there is another layer of clear coat sitting on the paint. quite unique.

I wasnt satisfied and i know that the soft99 has more in it.I was not gonna give up..So I dawned the bonnet and side fenders ( very concentrated ). A rinse down showed that It was still beading just the way it was before i dawned it.. Ok so i went excessive, very very very high concentrate of dawn it was foaming like the marshmallow man....after rinse down it was still beading excessively. It just wouldnt budge??. One last try with dawn.. it got a little bit weaker after the third wash but still beading like a fresh coat of wax. so i just left it for now as is.

I applied the soft99 Water Block Wax on again. It did go on a lot smoother this time. I let it haze for about 1hr this time. Buffed off... It still SMEARED. I tried some quick detailer to ease out the smearing it helped but took ages to clear the bonnet.. and was not perfect after it all, still smearing after all this.

Im thinking there is some conflict with the autoglym, and its preventing the soft99 from sticking to the paint, but i am having trouble of clearing the soft99 off?

does anyone have any ideas? i got two tubs of this stuff, i think there is a lot of potential here, and im not gonna give up yet.

please help me out guys..

03-06-2004, 03:06 AM
Assuming that your paint isn`t oxidized or otherwise in need of a "full detail"....

Is this Soft99 a cleaner wax, and is it a paste or liquid? I don`t know about this one, but all the Soft99 waxes I`ve ever come across happened to be described as waxes with cleaning (polishing) power, which is pretty much standard with consumer-grade waxes.

If this is the case, then yes I guess it very well could be that the Soft99 is fighting the Autoglym and trying to dissolve it.

Very thin application may help, as using too much product is another possibility, but you did not mention anything about how thinly you applied it.

The wax or protection stripping ability of Dawn or other dish detergents has always been highly overrated. Dawn is not going strip off polymer type waxes or even carnauba waxes blended with polymers. At the very least, it`s not going to be totally effective at it.

To strip this stuff I think you`re going to have to start over again with SRP (or another pre-wax cleaner) or use a solvent like the Prepsol some people like to suggest.

03-06-2004, 07:51 AM
4DSC is right, if soaps aren`t taking it off, you`re going to need a cleaner/polish to remove the waxes from your paint do you can start over.

The thin application is a good idea too. Try to apply it so thinly that it`s hard to detect the haze on your paint.

03-06-2004, 08:36 PM
I guess I have to chime in here since I`m probably one of the few who gets to use Soft99 stuff often.

All the Rain Hop, Water Block, RV line of Soft99 are amazing with water repellancy, I`ve honestly haven`t found a "western" product that rivals Soft99`s beading capabilities over the long term as of yet. BTW, dishwashing soap will not touch it.

I`d have to ask, which applicator did you use? Almost all Soft99 applicators are stu-pid since they don`t allow products to spread evenly.

I`ve always used a Meg foam applicator for paste waxes and a MF applicator for their liquid stuff and I haven`t had any probs with it.

Most S99 stuff has a lot of "petroleum stuff" in it hence the haze, so it`s really important to apply it really thin and let it dry thoroughly. I`d stay away from a damp removal technique right away. The S99 Fusso/Gecki sealants are streak magnets if not used correctly, and often, it`s best to remove the stuff with a dry towel, followed by a damp QD MF.

Update us if you`ve tried it. :)

If you have time, try to look for Soft99 Authentic... It`s really great for black.

Check this out http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33556

03-06-2004, 09:51 PM
4dsc: my paint is not oxidised and is in very good condition. I applied as thinly as i can, but as theveed mentioned the pad could be the cause of the inconsitency in applying.

originally i applied really thinly, but still managed to smudge. And i used many dry cloths to try and buff off the wax.

theveed: The authentic wax i couldnt find i actually purchased the stuff in brunei, and it was so much cheaper than any of the "western" products available. I have a tub of gecki wax(water block wax) and a tub of FUSSO 3, which to my understanding are both sealant type waxes.

As i am back in australia, i am limited to the product availabe, so have just got hold of some autoglym super resin polish to give the paint a clean, before i attempt another go with the Soft99 water block wax and a megs pad.

02-08-2013, 03:53 AM
Stumbled upon this old thread on the marvellous Soft99 products.

Never apply any Soft99 pure waxes or sealants on top of AG`s SRP or EGP.

IMo, based on my own testing, AG`s products are not compatible with many other brands, and might cause smudges/uneven patches that`re difficult to remove.

If you want to apply Soft99 waxes or sealants with no problem, try applying them on a surface that you`ve prepped well, and wiped down many times with IPA or equivalent. Apply very thinly, and allow 1hour (in non-tropical temperatures) to dry before buffing off. In cold weather, you might even wanna try 2hrs.