View Full Version : New Formulation of Zaino - If Uncatalyzed = Major PITA to buff out???

03-05-2004, 12:45 PM
I`ve been using Zaino for quite some time now and have always considered it one of the easiest products to work with. As long as it`s applied in thin coats, the wait time was usually under 30 minutes and removal took almost no effort at all. In fact, I`d compare ease of removal right up there with products like Souveran and S100.

Last weekend I tried the `new` formulation of Z (well, I guess it isn`t all that new anymore) which was different in color, scent and consistency. This newer formulation was thinner which made it easier to apply. However, removal was a completely different story. Even after letting the product dry for hours, it was a MAJOR PITA to get all the product off. It took so much buffing and pressure that I`m positive I`ve induced some towel marks on my paint.

Since this new version is supposed to be an improvement over the previous version, I was surprised to find that removal was so tough. Has anyone else experienced this or is it just me?

BTW, I used Z-1 on a very well prepped surface (clayed, polished, washed again, etc.).

Would using ZFX have made it easier?

Do people who use the new formula with ZFX have an easier time buffing?

If so, this would be difficult for me to accept, because why would using a catalyzed version of Z make such a huge difference when it didn`t matter all that much with the older version in terms of ease of removal? Is this Sal`s way of increasing ZFX sales? I would prefer to give Sal the benefit of the doubt on this issue, but I would like to hear other people`s experiences with the current version of Z.


03-05-2004, 01:02 PM
You should give Sal a call a explain things to him. He is usually very helpful.

Using Z1 as opposed to ZFX is going to take a lot longer to dry.

If you wash again, any residue should be taken care of.

03-05-2004, 01:03 PM
I also noticed the old Z is easier to remove, but, even with the new, after waiting half hour or so it buffed normally, no extra effort required, just a few more passes with the MF.

A final wipe off w/ Z6 to clean and insure everything was right and that was it.

Oh, and I didn`t use ZFX.

03-05-2004, 02:24 PM
I have used the new Z2 and Z5 with and without ZFZ. I found it easier than previous version. :nixweiss. I have not tried the new version with my Z1. Even with ZFX I always allow Zaino to cure for at least a hour before buffing. I detail indoors so time and possible surface contamination (wind blown debris) is not a factor.

I can definitely state that Sal is not pushing ZFX. That is not the way he does business. IMHO :wavey

03-05-2004, 03:23 PM
I have used Z2 and Z5 withans without ZFX and all were easy ...

askj07 did you use Z1 with z2? You only mention Z1 in your post.

03-06-2004, 12:25 AM

Being a newbie, I don`t have much recent experience to base this on but I thought the Z-2 was difficult to buff out as well. It could have been the poor lighting (I kept finding areas I hadn`t completely buffed out, which increased my detailing time) or my absence in the gym for the past few months! ;)

I used the Z-2 with ZFX.


03-08-2004, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the input everyone!

Jesstzn, I used Z-1/Z-5.

03-08-2004, 01:53 PM
Hmmm, something strange going on. I use a refresher layer of Z2 quite regularly without the ZFX without any problems. But both cars have an existing coat of Z firmly in place. The only time I use the ZFX is with a new beginning or when I want to put on multiple coats in one day. My Z2 is roughly 4 months old.