View Full Version : 303 misleading?

03-05-2004, 11:05 AM
Here`s a quote from the 303 website. Do you people think that this can be misleading? When I first read this it kind of sounds like they`re saying all silicones are bad, but this is not the case. There are some good silicones like pdms. Don`t get me wrong here, I`m not trying to bash 303. I use it and like it. I`m just wondering about their marketing technique?

303 Aerospace UV Protectant vs. all other Protectants

"Leading Brand" protectant products contain silicone oils giving them their oily, greasy, dirt attracting nature. Some even contain petroleum distillates (petrochemicals)!....which should never be used on rubber or vinyl and most other plastics.

303 For Tires

"303 Aerospace Protectant contains no petrochemicals or silicone oils and does not remove the protective waxes. "

03-05-2004, 11:11 AM
Most good brand protectants dont contain any of those PC`s. Its just a marketing stratigie.