View Full Version : Thoughts on my plan of attack for the holographic swirls...

03-04-2004, 06:46 PM
Well, i`ve concluded after much searching that the problem I have is something similar to rotary burn, except for PC`s. I`m pretty disappointed with this, as I`ve used the PC for a few years now without issue.

My best guess is that I have to work out that marring or swirling that is causing the holograms. To do that, I just plan to use:

3mPI3MG with 7.5" White Finishing Pad

follow with

p21s GEPC with white finishing pad.

If those two work, I`ll just go back to the Klasse AIO, KSG, and Souveran.

If not, I`ll have to do some makeup work with IHG and Souveran.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

03-04-2004, 07:05 PM
Try the AIO, by itself. Put the in the sunlight. Whaddya got?

If the swirls are there, move up to the p21s GEPC with white finishing pad.

Are you using 7.5 pads on the PC?



03-04-2004, 08:27 PM
Of the times I got hologramming on my black car, I specifically rememter it happening after using GEPC with a white PC pad. After machine glaze, try applying gepc by hand with a yellow foam applicator to see if you still get this kind of hazing.

Although I cannot guarantee to be of help, I`m in the SF area if you`d like me to take a shot at it.


03-04-2004, 10:51 PM
Thanks raymond, I may have take you up on taking a look at it. Here`s some photos of the holographic hazing I`m talking about. This is not the best photos, as its under direct twin 500W halogen light, but its during these times and in direct sunlight that it shows:



And a pic just for fun:


Bill D
03-05-2004, 09:34 AM
If I had this situation with my black A4 I would try my new 1z polishes.From what I hear about Audi paint you may even have to use all three on it :nixweiss

03-05-2004, 09:46 AM
Also, don`t move you polisher any more than about 4 inches per second - you gotta let the polish(s) do its work and a fast polisher won`t linger in any one spot long enough to accomplish very much at all.

03-05-2004, 12:31 PM
neoprufrok- Those pics were helpful :xyxthumbs Yeah, looks like it was "buffed" by someone incompetent :(

I don`t think you have (only) "real" holograms. Sorta good because you can see your progress, or lack thereof, under halogens. Sorta bad because your marring is thus a bit *deeper* than "pure" holograms. Get it out and you should be rid of the holograms too.

I love the 1Z stuff, but I gather you want something locally available. So stick with the 3M stuff I recommended earlier (05933 if needed, or just 05937) or Meg`s DACP. I`d at least BUY the 05933 too, so you`ll have it on hand. Use the 3M stuff, then, IF you need to, follow up with the GEPC, THEN the AIO, etc.

I don`t mean to slam the other advice you`re received, but Audi clear is, in my experience, too tough for AIO or probably even GEPC alone. And the 05933 is NOT so strong that it`ll thin your clear too much. I`m looking to make this something you`ll NOT waste time and effort on...you can spend HOURS, or even days, trying too-mild approaches on Audis (done that).

*I* wouldn`t use the 7.5" pad for this, I`d stick with the 6.5" ones. *I* get better results that way when doing that sort of correction by PC- the 7.5" pads seem to stifle the PC`s action a little bit which is NOT what you want. Get a cutting pad or two, again, better to have them if you need them.

raymond_ho2002- It *would* be great if you could help out with this. Two heads better than one, and all that.

03-05-2004, 01:03 PM
Those hologram pictures look almost identical to the hazing I get from not working in Finesse-it II Machine polish for a long enough period of time. They always go away if I polish longer and follow up with 3M SMR.

I`m not sure about PI-III MG`s level of abrasiveness, but my guess is that it is slightly stronger than SMR. How many passes did you make on each section, at what PC speed?

If your finish looks in person like it does in your pictures, I don`t think it`ll be a hard fix. But upon hearing people saying that audi paint is different from the japanese paint i`m used to working on, maybe i`d have a different experience too.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you`d like help!


03-05-2004, 01:06 PM
I think my mistake may have been with my initial DACP step with the cutting pad. I probably didn`t get it to "flash" enough, thus not letting it get down to its final polishing action. However, I passed the PC at a slow rate three-five passes for the DACP and the PI3MG which flashed within four passes.

You`ll be getting a PM raymond!

03-05-2004, 01:19 PM
i have to agree with raymond in that to me it looks like that the polish (in your case, DACP/PI-III MG) wasn`t worked in long enough to break down the diminishing abrasives...hence the hazed look....

Bill D
03-05-2004, 02:15 PM
In reference to the PI III MG, It didn`t reduce much marring on my other car, only seemed to brighten the paint, ( I only have a PC)I`m not even going to reach for it when I have to use polishes on my Audi. Nevertheless, it might be a good next to last step product to use or last product to use before the Klasse twins