View Full Version : Adhesive looking residue left after polishing

02-29-2004, 07:24 PM
I am in the beginning stages of using my Makita Rotary, and I am getting much better at it. But I do have a couple questions about my process and other things.

1. Ok. I`m not very worried about this problem, but sometimes when I`m buffing, there is a gummy looking residue left behind. It kind of looks like an old sticker was left on the surface and peeled off. It comes off really easily when I mist some FI on it. So, I`m not too worried about it. I`m just really only curious as to why it does this??? Is it because I don`t have enough product??

2. Also, another thing I have is skipping problems. I can control it decently now, but before I was having some problems with some unpredictable behavior of my rotary. On the Meguiars video, it just looked so effortlessly. WHen I first did it, the thing just moved everywhere and it didn`t seem like I could control it. I`m assuming this is somewhat normal?? I realized that it was because there was not enough product spread evenly on the pad. When there was enough product, then the rotary seemed like it was sticking to the surface as it glided. Am I right on this???

03-01-2004, 12:53 PM

03-01-2004, 03:29 PM
1. sounds like you are using to much product / to high of a speed on the rotary.

2. If you use the right amount of product and technique, you wont have either problem. It just takes a bit to get the feel for a rotary.

03-01-2004, 03:40 PM
nosed_b18b- Besides what LightngSVT said, priming the pad with some FI, and also spraying a little on the panel, might help both problems. It`ll increase your sling a bit, though.

And don`t feel bad that it isn`t as effortless as it looks on the video. Watch an expert do ANYTHING and it`ll look effortless ;)