View Full Version : Detailing.... an iPod!

02-29-2004, 02:19 PM

Not sure if this is really the right place to ask this, but I guess detailing is detailing.

What metal polish would be suitable to use to remove very fine to fine scratches both on the metal reverse of an iPod and the iPod screen itself?

At the moment my iPod`s reverse is pretty flawless and like a mirror but I`m sure it will eventually end up with micro-marring. The same goes for the screen.

I already have some Mother`s Metal Polish and that`s about it.

Hope someone can help.

Many thanks,


Ben Carufel
02-29-2004, 04:07 PM
I face this same challenge. My iPod is scratched to hell.

First, do an internet search for the Exo iSkin. This is THE BEST cover for the iPod in my opinion. I`m going to polish my iPod as soon as I get around to ordering an iSkin.

Now, from doing some research online, I`ve gathered that Brasso Metal Polish is the best readily available polish to use on both the metal caseback and the acrylic front piece of the iPod. I have yet to try it, however.

02-29-2004, 04:23 PM
I`d also read about Brasso, but haven`t tried it either. You try it first. Go on, you know you want to... :)

I`ve got a Jam Jacket for the ipod but it doesn`t fit in the dock, so i have to take it out, although sometimes i do just plug the cable straight in to the bottom of the pod.



Ben Carufel
02-29-2004, 04:30 PM
That`s the nice thing about the iSkin -- you can stretch it around and pull the bottom up a bit so it slips in the dock, and it will go right back to its same shape when you slide it back in place.

I was actually going to try a little trick I thought of: leave the iSkin on, and use the cradle cover for the 30gig iPod -- it`s a few millimeters thicker. I thought maybe the iPod could be slid into the wider opening even with the iSkin on.

Still have to order an iSkin to try it though.

I`ll try the Brasso when I get home from Las Vegas on Thursday...I`ll let you know how it works.

02-29-2004, 06:03 PM
Yeah, if you could i`d appreciate it. You can PM me if you want.

I went to Vegas last October and loved it. I got married while i was there, too.

Cheers mate


Ben Carufel
02-29-2004, 06:19 PM
I`m going for work -- have a photoshoot at a hotel there.

Not quite the same, and I`ve been a few times before, but it`s always a fun place for a photoshoot.

I`ll post in this thread or PM you when I give it a shot!

02-29-2004, 08:40 PM
I have no iPod but I do have a lot of experience with Brasso.

Brasso is a fine polish. I have polished a lot with it (poromeric/patent leather shoes (taking scuffs out), belt buckles and tips, plastic name tags, and so on.) I used it so much it could be in my blood (used my finger to apply it.)

I am sure it can be used on the case but I would be hesistant to use it on the screen, you can try it though. Then protect it with one of those PDA films available at any office supper store.

03-01-2004, 10:56 AM
While the iSkin fits great, the clip is terrible. I have one and I pretty much don`t use the clip. It is very flimsy and doesn`t stay on unless your short or pants have a fairly thick waistband. Also, there is a little lanyard that acts as a lock to keep the clip on and it falls off way too easy.

I prefer to hold mine anyway when I run (it doesn`t skip llike when I was wearing in on my waist) and the rubber keeps it from slipping out of my hands.

Just wanted to warn you before you ordered yours. If you`re not going to be running with it, then the clip should be fine....just be careful with it.

03-02-2004, 01:17 AM
Ice Cream:



08-19-2004, 04:50 AM
You might want to look at this: http://www.trendygeek.com/

I`m getting one for my new 4G ipod. :bounce

08-19-2004, 01:53 PM
i may be wrong, but won`t you have to buy a new ipod soon anyway? i thought it had a built in non-changeable battery that only lasts for like 18 months...

i saw a video for it...:nixweiss

08-19-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by JasonC8301

I am sure it can be used on the case but I would be hesistant to use it on the screen, you can try it though. Then protect it with one of those PDA films available at any office supper store.

I guess the screen is plastic? I`ve used Brasso on plastic Timex watch faces when I`ve gotten "paint transfers" on em from rubbing against a wall or something. Also use Brasso on normal (glass?) watch faces too. Use it on my bathroom sink fixtures, candle holders, belt buckles, etc etc :)

08-19-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by MongooseGA

i may be wrong, but won`t you have to buy a new ipod soon anyway? i thought it had a built in non-changeable battery that only lasts for like 18 months...

This is a myth that`s been floating around for quite a while. There are several places, including Apple, that will replace your battery with a new one. Or you can buy a kit and do it yourself.

My 3G 30gig battery is still going strong (6-7 hours) and it`s 1yo.