View Full Version : How do I get Tiefenpfleger off of my dash?

02-27-2004, 05:50 PM
I normally use Cockpit Premium and really love the finish it leaves behind (no shine at all). I accidentally grabbed my bottle of Tiefenpfleger instead a few weeks ago, and now I don`t know how to get the residue (and corresponding shine) off the dash. Is there anything I can use that will help remove it and won`t harm the dash? I`ve read in previous threads that over time Cockpit Premium helps remove the shine left behind from previous products, but it sounded like it took a long time before it made a difference.




02-27-2004, 05:55 PM
Have you tried the CP on the dash yet? My guess would be that the cp would cut down on the shine a great deal.

02-27-2004, 06:03 PM
It has helped, but there is still a noticeable amount of shine on the dash. It`s easy to see how much shine is still on the dash as the doors have the exact same material as the dash, and they are still a nice flat finish like when they were new.

My goal is to get all the shine off the dash so it looks like the doors again. Using the CP helped. Maybe the answer is to just clean it with the CP over and over and over again until the shine`s not noticeable.


02-27-2004, 06:12 PM
Mix up a solution of Dawn and water and dampen a microfiber with it and wipe. The degreasers in Dawn should remove the Tiefen and not harm your dash. You could also dilute an all-purpose cleaner with the appropiate ratio and it would be safe. Wipe with clean water after and then apply the Cockpit Premium.

Mike @ einszett
02-27-2004, 06:19 PM
Yes... we actually have a patent in Europe for the product`s durability and water/wash resistance. That`s why Tiefen doesn`t streak or come off for weeks even after multiple washes. In your case, this is not a benefit :nixweiss

Macgirl`s solution will help accelerate its removal.


02-27-2004, 06:33 PM
At least you`ll have extra protection during that time ;)