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02-22-2004, 05:13 PM
well. . .i started practising. I washed using armor all something. . .terri cloths.

Squeejee dry and terriclothed. Mothers clayed, meguiars cleaner wax, then gold class.

images not modem friendly. Lemme know what you think.


heres a problem spot


Then i tried Armor-all`s Oxy type carpet cleaner.


And used this thing


not sure how much good it was compared to actual oxy-clean...


any comments?

02-22-2004, 06:31 PM
Looks great :cool:

Now just keep it up.

02-22-2004, 07:04 PM
actually, i only did the hood.

02-22-2004, 09:03 PM
hey that problem spot photo you have....i have that too...several of them all over the car....looks "crackly"....gotto be clear coat failure

02-23-2004, 12:10 AM
is there something i can do about it?

02-23-2004, 03:27 PM
i was hoping to generate more commentary from other members. . .

02-23-2004, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Kanchou

heres a problem spot


It`s hard to say what that is... more information would be helpful, like what it feels like, how it came about, what you`ve tried, etc, etc...

It helps to volunteer information so that people have something to work with. :up

02-23-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Kanchou

is there something i can do about it?

i`m no expert so i can only tell ya what i "feel" is going to happen if i try to "remove" something like that....i feel it`s a small area of clear coat failure....looks almost like bad schelaque(?)...i`ve hit my areas with a mild polish/cleanser and it didn`t do anything...i have something more abrasive but i think if i used that i would essentially remove to cracked pieces and leave a clear coat crater...then just to TEST on a small crater, and if i had a clear coat pen, i would fill that in....i would try to deal with it like touch up i guess....maybe wetsand....polish....i`m guessing here....like i said i`m no expert....i would try this but i got access to nothing....

T T .....good luck and if you figure out a method let me know!!!!!

02-23-2004, 10:59 PM
I had that exact same mark on an 84 Accord. The car was so old, I figured the heck with it and slapped wax/polish right over top of it. The car was so old I got props for making it shine regardless of a spot like that.

02-24-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

It`s hard to say what that is... more information would be helpful, like what it feels like, how it came about, what you`ve tried, etc, etc...

It helps to volunteer information so that people have something to work with. :up

well, i aint an expert or anything, so if you could arm me with the tools i need to probe it, maybe i`d understand better what info you would need....